The almond wasp continues its expansion and its fight generates 5 million extra costs
The expansion of the almond wasp (Eurytoma amigdali) by Valencian lands since its arrival in 2015 is taking on increasingly worrying dimensions. This insect, decreed as a plague through a resolution of the Conselleria de Agricultura, has already spread to four Valencian regions, where it causes millionaire losses to hundreds of producers, causing both a drastic decrease in production and an increase in expenses. of culture.

Miguel Ángel Menéndez, new head of Massey Ferguson in Spain and Portugal
Miguel Ángel Menéndez has been named the new head of Massey Ferguson in Spain and Portuga. Until now National Harvesting Sales Manager (responsible for the area of machinery) directly replaces Francesco Quaranta Vice President of Marketing and Sales Massey Ferguson for the EME area.

Europe: Brussels proposes to ban unfair business practices in the food supply chain
The European Commission has proposed on Thursday the ban on unfair commercial practices in the most harmful food supply chain in order to ensure fairer treatment for food and agricultural SMEs. The proposal also includes effective provisions to ensure its application: national authorities may impose sanctions in cases where it is established that there has been an infringement.

The Experience Center of Smurfit Kappa reaches 120 visits in its first year
Smurfit Kappa celebrates the first anniversary of its Experience Center of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), a space for innovation and improvement of packaging solutions that analyzes the conditions of the same for the specific needs of each client.

APROSE celebrates the I Symposium of Certified Seed Producers
The Professional Association of Select Seed Production Companies (APROSE) has organized the Symposium of Certified Seed Producers under the slogan "Certified Seed: Sustainability and Food Safety". The event will take place on April 12 in Cordoba at the Hotel Córdoba Center.

ASAJA celebrates a conference on the situation of the Iberian and its possible growth
Asaja Córdoba, together with the Caja Rural del Sur Foundation, will hold this Tuesday in Villanueva de Córdoba the 11th Porcine Conference where, among other issues, the Iberian situation and the possibility of growth of the sector will be discussed.

TEO stars 92 legal actions against the illegal exploitation of mandarin Orri
The compliance organization S.L. (TEO) exclusive master licensee of the Orri variety in Spain and Portugal in the period 2017-2018, a total of 92 legal actions for illegal exploitation of mandarin Orri that can affect 172 hectares, more than 80,000 trees.

Vicente del Bosque is named Solidarity Ambassador of the “El Aceite de la Vida” program
Vicente del Bosque, the former coach of the Spanish national team, has been named Solidarity Ambassador of the program "The Oil of Life", in an act that was chaired by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina .

International: ‘Xtractor Around The Word’ starts its second solidarity expedition
Xtractor Around The Word has begun its second expedition at the beginning of April, characterized by its solidary nature. This travel experience, which takes place in South Africa, is carried out to promote the role of agriculture and support humanitarian actions, always being one of its most important values.

The Government reduces the tax burden for farmers and ranchers
The BOE has published an Order of the Ministry of Finance and Public Function that sets the Net Income Indices in the income tax declaration with the reductions established on a national basis for the 2017 income statement of farmers and ranchers.