“We want to offer a comprehensive solution tailored to meet the needs of the farmer”. Mónica Andrés
e-Comercio Agrario: Behind the Norwegian word Yara best wishes…
Magical realism of Colombia Seeding
Colombia is magical realism, also in its agricultural sector. The coming-of Siembra Colombia (main project of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) was held under the slogan "Food Sovereignty and pantry in the world", something that leaves to be curious.
Fruit Logistica 2017 Birthday: Germany as Associate
Germany is the partner country of Fruit Logistica 2017, held from 8 to 10 February in Berlin. This was announced Secretary of State, Dr. Robert Kloos, executive director of the National Federation Erzeugerorganisationen Bundesvereinigung der Obst und Gemüse (BVEO), Dr. Christian Weseloh, and Section Chief Products & New Business of Messe Berlin, Gérald Lamusse in joint press conference in Berlin.
Spain: More time to apply for aid from CAP 2016
Spanish farmers have until June 15 to apply for aid from the Common Agricultural Policy 2016. The Spanish government campaign serves the request of the autonomous regions and sectors concerned to facilitate the submission of its application to all farmers who may be beneficiaries of them.
What if the landlords speak? Elisa Plumed
Hot social networks got when last March 28 eldiario.es published…
Mexico: rising exports of berries
Over 50 years EF Schumacher, economist and thinker born in Germany, I think a partnership in the UK called Intermediate Technology Development Group (Group for the development of intermediate technologies), based on his book published in 1973, Small is beautiful ( small is beautiful), whose objectives were to publicize the virtues of micro enterprises that generate their own income without flaunting it. Any resemblance to the undertaking of strawberries is just a coincidence.
Photojournalism awards “Mercabarna Focuses”
The prizes, worth € 8,000, among the best equipped in Spain. For 3 months hundreds of photographers are mixed with 23,000 merchants. Mercabarna launches the call for the awards "Mercabarna Focuses", to be known among citizens. This market, which enjoys prestige among food professionals around the world but is unknown among ordinary citizens, wants to approach them through the best shots of professional photographers and amateur participants.
Jalisco no te rajes¡
In the last ten years, the State of Jalisco -recognized worldwide for being the land of mariachi and tequila has become one of the major players in the agricultural sector in Mexico. Its share of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the national agricultural sector, already reaches 12% and occupies the first places in the production of corn, milk, egg, pork and of course tequilana blue agave, with which it is made the famous tequila, one of the main agricultural exports of this country that has more than 42 existing trade agreements.
Green gold that knows no boundaries
At the gates of the XVIII Montoro Olive Fair, held from 11 to 14 May, there is no better example how culture gets behind the economic growth of an area, such as Córdoba (Spain). But the olive grove has ceased to be an emblem of the Mediterranean to spread widely around the world: 11 million hectares. Cropping systems located under irrigation hedgerow profitability extract fruit which then will be the most acclaimed by consumers oil.
Leaked TTIP negotiations
The latest leaks on the opaque process of negotiations on the…