The export of black olive from Spain to the US drops 42.4% in the first quarter
The export of black table olives from Spain to the US decreased in the first quarter of the year by 42.4% compared to the same period of the previous year, from 6.9 million kilos to 4.0, according to the Department's information. of US Customs.

Irrigators reclamate a new National Hydrological Plan
In a context of climate change, where the availability of water is becoming less, the more than one million farmers who have an appointment at the XIV edition of the National Congress of Irrigating Communities concluded that this resource is a matter of State and therefore , to demand an integrating and long-term political action, which has as objective a new National Hydrological Plan able to guarantee the demand of the users.

The Ministry of Agriculture registers more than 238,000 applications for aid from the CAP for the 2018 campaign
e Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development has registered 238,301 applications for aid from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the 2018 campaign, as reported by the Minister Rodrigo Sánchez Haro at a press conference in Seville, which, in addition, has presented the mobile application of the InfoPAC Board "so that the beneficiaries can be better informed about the processing of the aid".

Five reasons why cooperatives do not integrate more
By Enrique de Los Ríos, Unica Group.
Cooperatives in countries…

Fernando Burgaz: “Improving the balance in the food chain is our key objective”
Fernando Burgaz, General Director of the Food Industry in an interview for ecomercioagrario.com, published in the magazine ECA OLIVE, has answered several questions about the situation of the agri-food sector.

The olive oil campaign closes in Spain with a figure equal to last year
The olive oil production campaign closes in Spain with 1,246,204 tons, a figure very similar to that of the previous year. In Jaen, the drop in oil produced was greater, by approximately 23%, with 386,434 tons compared to 505,000 tons last season. The outputs to the market last month are around 110,000 tons, while the monthly average marketing is 105,000 tons. The oil stocks are 912,000 tons, an amount with which, according to ASAJA-Jaén, there will be enough product to supply the market.

The Minister of Agriculture will inaugurate the XIV National Congress of Irrigators in Alicante
The Minister of Agriculture, Isabel García Tejerina, will be in charge of inaugurating the XIV edition of the National Congress of Irrigators' Communities, whose objective is to analyze the current situation of irrigated agriculture within a context marked by negotiations to reach the National Agreement of the water.

Ana María Romero, about the Montoro Fair: “This year there will be more international participation thanks to the support of Extenda”
The President of the Consortium of the Olive Fair, Mayor of Montoro and President of AEMO (Spanish Association of Municipalities of Olivo), Ana María Romero Obrero, in an interview for ecomercioagrario.com has answered several questions about the Olive Fair, which will be held between May 16 and 19 in the town of Cordoba, the fair of "the most emblematic product, the backbone of the Andalusian and Cordoban agri-food sector".

Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España considers the EU budget proposal negative and not very ambitious
Agri-food Cooperatives of Spain considers the EU budget proposal for the period 2021-2027 presented on May 2 by the president of the European Commission, Jean Claude Juncker, and the Budget Commissioner, Günther Oettinger, as disappointing and disappointing.

The olive oil market reaches 1.229.200 tons of production
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment has published the olive oil market bulletin for April with data available at March 31, in which, with 1,229,200 tons, production is slightly above initial estimates.