Comercial Química Massó sponsors the BusinessAGRO Tertulia on Ecological Agriculture
The Comercial Química Massó company joins as sponsor this #BusinessAGRO Tertulia about Marketing and Profitability in Organic Agriculture, which will take place next July 3 in Carlet (Valencia).

The EU will not apply measures to banana imports from Nicaragua
The European Commission has agreed this week not to suspend the preferential customs tariff on imports of bananas from Nicaragua, although they have already exceeded the limit of imports foreseen in their agreement with the European Union for the whole year from the same month of March.

Peruvian export of blueberries will grow a 60.2% during 2019
A study by the consulting firm Maximixe revealed that during this year the export of blueberries would grow by 60.2%, reaching US $ 885 million. This will be due to higher shipments to the markets of the United States, the Netherlands and China.

New aid lines for the Andalusian agro-industry of € 80 million
The Ministry of Agriculture will provide 80 million new lines of aid aimed at agro-food industries, introducing new criteria in the Order to assess the commitment to quality, innovation and the incorporation of young people and women, among others.

“We offer global solutions for agriculture today and tomorrow”
To learn about this new stage in the company, our director Gissèle Falcón has moved to its offices in Valencia to interview Benjamín Santarrufina, Commercial and Marketing Director of ASCENZA.

“The agro-professional woman is the one that will mark the future of the field”
Under the slogan "More than equality" this event has highlighted the need for more training, digitization and necessary equality policies for women who already hold management positions in the agri-food sector.

Luxury speakers at the III National Agro-Women Agro-Professional Business Forum “More than equality”
The city of Cordoba will host next Tuesday, June 11, the third edition of the National Business Agro Forum: Mujeres Agroprofesionales 2019 #MujerAgro, under the title "More than equality". This forum, organized by Siete Agromarketing and eComercio Agrario, was born with the aim of promoting, dialoguing and raising awareness about the role of professional women in the agri-food sector, speaking of equal opportunities in jobs, administrations, companies, cooperatives, etc. .

FEDEMCO, number one also in bio materials
From FEDEMCO claim that there is no progress or innovation in the creation of bio materials that exceed the materials created by nature itself.

The Alliance for the Defense of European Agriculture is created
EUCOFEL, agreed in Brussels, together with various associations of the community agricultural sector the creation of an Alliance for the Defense of European Agriculture, in order to defend the European production model and that this model is more taken into account in the commercial policy of the EU.

Great expectation at the opening of the third edition of Infoagro Exhibition
Thousands of farmers and professional visitors have attended the 1st day of the international fair of intensive production and auxiliary industry.