Production of Kissabel apples increases in the Southern Hemisphere
Australia and Chile already have good quality harvests of the “red inside” apple varieties, while New Zealand and Argentina report promising results.

Current situation of the vitiviniculture sector at a global level
Speaking from the OIV´s Headquarters in París, Director General PAU Roca presented on 23 April information on wine production, consumption and international trade in 2019.

European apricot production is reduced
From Europech they have published a first forecast for the European apricot campaign, with data that points to a drop in production.

The Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) grants protection for the Summer Prim lemon
The Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) has just granted protection to the Summer Prim lemon, a protection that extends throughout the entire territory of the Union until 2050.

MEPs call for robust actions to help EU farmers deal with the COVID-19 crisis
The EU must swiftly do more to ensure farmers can continue to supply food during the pandemic and after it ends, Agriculture Committee MEPs told Commissioner Wojciechowski on Wednesday.

European Chestnut Days 2020 in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region
European Chestnut Days 2020 in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region

JBT commits to continuing to build on strong record for sustainability
Optimizing yield and minimizing wastage will remain central to JBT Liquid Foods’ plans for future business growth going forward.

Global quality and speed in the supply of almond plants, advantages of V. Hernandorena
The almond is one crop where Viveros Hernandorena is a specialist.

Joint call for extraordinary and urgent support to the European Flower & Live Plants Sector
The sector has sent a letter to the European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Janusz Wojciechowski with a series of urgent measures

The Value of European Agriculture
Statement by Juan Marín, President of the European Fruit and Vegetable Association (FruitVegetablesEUROPE) on the global crisis produced by COVID-19.