Our fruit is a gift, what you pay for is plastic
One more campaign - and there are already a few - fruit growers and fruit growers we are not getting profitability for our work and effort, in short, for our fruit.

The Irrigation Platform expects the new concessions to be a reality
The Platform in Defense of Irrigation of the County has shown the concern of the sector of the red fruits by the lack of water, reason why it continues working intensely to make possible his arrival. Thus, he has indicated that he hopes that the water of the 318 hectares and other underground concessions will be a reality to face the new agricultural campaign.

They discover a new component with which plants control the branching of roots
Research teams from the VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology (Belgium), the University of Nottingham (United Kingdom), the University of Heidelberg (Germany) and the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) have identified a novel component that controls the development of plant root branches.

AVA-ASAJA regrets that fruits and vegetables continue to be forgotten
The Valencian Association of Farmers (AVA-ASAJA) regrets that the fruit and vegetable sector continues to forget Spanish agricultural policy, as it has been observed in the different meetings that the candidate for the presidency of the government, Pedro Sánchez, It is keeping up with political parties and social groups.

Brexit, even without agreement, is already noticeable in the olive sector
The British Prime Minister, Theresa May, accepted an extension of the departure of the United Kingdom until October 31 at the proposal of the Heads of Government of the European Union. The "soap opera" of Brexit continues its course and, far from being resolved, it becomes even more entangled.

Isla Bonita begins the 2019 Lima National campaign
The tropical and exotic fruit brand of Grupo Eurobanan, starts with the national lime campaign, predicting to distribute between 500,000 and 700,000 Kgs of Tahiti lime, grown in the southeast of the peninsula. The decrease in volume in kg and size of the fruit with respect to the previous year, is due to the late flowering of the crops, due to the delayed entry of spring in 2019.

Smurfit Kappa expands its global network of recycling plants
Smurfit Kappa has announced the opening of a recycling plant in Marlia, strategically located in the Italian district responsible for the production of 60% of the corrugated cardboard and 90% of the tissue paper of the country.

The meat sector, committed to sustainable production and a varied diet
The Spanish meat sector reaffirms its commitment to the improvement of the environment, the reduction of greenhouse gases and the safety and quality of its productions, while continuing to work for a varied and balanced diet, within the framework of the Diet Mediterranean, which includes all food groups in the guidelines for healthy consumption recommended by the scientific community.

Chile leads the second highest risk category of water stress in the world
A quarter of the world's population - which already reaches 7 billion inhabitants - is in a country that is in “extremely high” conditions of water stress.

The call for the II Edition of the Women Agro Awards 2019 is open
Siete Agromarketing, a leading communication and marketing agency in the agri-food sector, and eComercio Agrario, a newspaper of national and international political and economic information, convene the II Edition of the 'WOMEN AGRO Awards' 2019, promoting equal opportunities in the value chain and agrifood industry.