ACI celebrates the International Day of Cooperatives
On July 7, the International Cooperative Alliance, ACI, celebrates the International Day of Cooperatives every Saturday in July. Its slogan in its 96th edition is "sustainable societies thanks to cooperation". The values, principles and structures of governance, sustainability and resilience are part of the cooperative movement that has more than 1.2 billion members in the world. Sustainable societies are those that reflect the environmental, social and economic limits of growth.

Asaja criticizes the bad prices of cereal, which do not accompany the acceptable production
The president of Asaja Córdoba, Ignacio Fernández de Mesa, has informed that the harvest of the cereal is practically finished with prices very low, in relation to last year, which does not accompany the acceptable production reached during this campaign.

Sánchez Haro participates in the conference ‘Present and future of agriculture in the Bajo Andarax’ organized by COAG
The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, Rodrigo Sánchez Haro, has participated in Almería in the day 'Present and future of agriculture in the Lower Andarax' organized by COAG, in which he reiterated that "the transfers are, day Today, a need to ensure irrigation in the field, although the future is through the use of reclaimed and desalinated water. For the representative of the Andalusian Government, "it is not a question that we can choose, it is a matter of necessity because we have to guarantee the water security of our farmers". Likewise, it has recognized that regenerated and desalinated waters open an "important field of work, in which we have to move forward. I really believe that there is the future. "
During his speech, Sanchez Haro has reported that the Ministry returned to make, yesterday, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food "the demands that we have been making from Andalusia on water." Among these, the Board's claim to lower the price of desalinated water -0.30 euros per cubic meter maximum- for Andalusian farmers has stood out.
In addition, he has again raised the need for a "shock plan for the optimization of desalination for the Mediterranean, the creation of a working group and the establishment of a calendar to prioritize and coordinate actions in the field of pending hydraulic infrastructures" . "The change of central government does not stop the priority issues for our land, quite the opposite," said the head of Andalusian Agriculture, which stressed that for this type of problem solutions are needed to ensure the production of farmers and to achieve them we must collaborate together. "
In this regard, he recalled the aid that the Board has made available to the Andalusian agri-food sector for investments in irrigation: more than 66 million, to which we will add another 43 million euros this year, which will include specific lines to take advantage of reclaimed water.
During his speech, the counselor praised the commitment of farmers in the area of Bajo Andarax for organic production, both in citrus and protected crops. "Organic production is not the only productive system that measures the degree of sustainability of agriculture in this territory, which also puts into practice integrated production and biological control of pests."
The future CAP
Likewise, Sánchez Haro has once again insisted on the need to maintain a common position among all the provinces and the entire Andalusian agri-food sector in defense of the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). "From the Ministry we will work to achieve it, since we are aware that a strong CAP is essential to promote a diverse agriculture and a live rural environment".
For this, he recalled that from Andalusia "we support the central government is firm and forceful in defending the budget, for which the European Commission proposed a cut of 16% that comes to delve into the 1.052 million euros that we have already lost in the current frame ".
"We want a communitarian agrarian policy that maintains the support to the pluriactivos farmers, that is designed with perspective of gender to construct a more egalitarian sector, that includes a maximum limitation to the aids distributing the detraído amount between small and average exploitations of the same region ", it is finished.

Grufesa forms more than 1,550 students with ‘Cultivate your values’
More than 1,500 Primary Education students of the public schools of Moguer and Mazagón have participated this academic year in the consolidation of the awareness campaign of the educational community 'Cultivates your values', pioneer in the sector, whose second edition has been closed today at the headquarters of Grufesa. The firm of Moguer producer and marketer of berries has promoted and developed for the second year in a row this ambitious project in order to raise awareness among school children about the reality and socioeconomic significance of the strawberry sector through a project of education and training in values associated with the same that revalue their identity and contribute to their personal development, to improve the coexistence and social progress of future generations.

Tradecorp acquires the French SDP and enters the adjuvant market
The acquisition of SDP, which has been present in the French market since 1991 and has developed an international network, will allow Tradecorp, the specialized plant nutrition division of the group, to consolidate its position in some important markets. SDP adjuvants will strengthen Tradecorp's global portfolio.

Cajamar analyzes the role of biostimulants in achieving a healthier and more sustainable agriculture
The role that the biostimulants will play in the coming years in the achievement of a healthier, more competitive and sustainable agriculture has centered the Open House Day celebrated today in the Center of Experiences of Cajamar in Paiporta. Those attending the event have been able to learn more than 200 varieties of fruits and vegetables in which the technicians of the Center are working, visit the farm and be interested in the projects and experiences that are underway, in collaboration with companies and institutions of the agri-food sector .

Fercam represents innovation in the sector
The president of the Provincial Council of Ciudad Real, José Manuel Caballero, stressed that the importance of Fercam lies in being at the forefront of the agri-food industry, while the Regional Vice President, José Luis Martínez Guijarro, highlights the effort of Manzanar During the opening ceremony of the 58th edition of the National Field Fair, the president of the Provincial Council of Ciudad Real, José Manuel Caballero, stressed that Fercam is a fair "very consolidated and veteran", but "the most important thing that has is that it becomes the vanguard of the industry sector of the agri-food sector, "a sector that has been defined as" priority, leading and strategic "in the region and province of Ciudad Real.

The Olive Oils plane flies to 37 cities in 17 countries
The Interprofessional of Spanish Olive Oil, through its olive oil promotion brand of Spain, and the European Union, have presented today, in terminal 4 of the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas airport, a new promotional action framed within the Olive Oil World Tour campaign.

Coag demands that the EU defend the black olive before the US attack
Hundreds of members of COAG Andalucía have spoken before the headquarters of the United States Consulate in Seville, headed by the Secretary General, Miguel López; the Provincial Secretary, Ramón García, and the olive manager of Mesa, Antonio Rodríguez.

The Half Marathon of El Burgo de Osma returns with Livinda Apples
Jesús Alonso Romero, Mayor of the Municipality of El Burgo de Osma, and Ignasi Argilés, director of production and commerce of Grupo Nufri, have signed a collaboration agreement to promote and promote the 19th edition of the Half Marathon of El Burgo de Osma, which will be held on July 14, as well as for the creation of the Livinda Apples Race, which will take place simultaneously with the previous one.