Case IH is committed to open data and digitalization, through its participation in the Internet of Food and Farm project
Case IH has taken its bet by the opening of data and the digitalization in the agricultural sector, collaborating with organizations of agriculture of precision and manufacturers of original equipment in the project Internet of Food and Farm 2020 (IoF2020).

The EU brought the consumption of fruits and vegetables and dairy products to more than 30 million children, during the school year 2016/17
During the 2016/17 school year, the EU brought the consumption of fruit and vegetables to more than 12.2 million children in 79,000 schools, through its fruit and vegetable consumption program. Along the same lines of promoting a healthy diet among the European child population, more than 18 million schoolchildren participated in their milk consumption program. Thanks to both initiatives, more than 74,000 tons of fruit and vegetables and more than 285,000 tons of dairy products were distributed to children between the ages of 6 and 10 years.

Cuna de Platero brings its cooperative model to Huelva university students and bets on digitalisation and innovation and R + D
The cooperative of Moguer (Huelva), Cuna de Platero has presented to students of the University of Huelva its cooperative model and its strategic commitment to digitalization and innovation and R & D, on the occasion of its participation in the second edition of the conference 'Business Week', recently held by the UHU.

The MAPAMA will publish in April a Manual of Shared Ownership of Farms
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA) plans to publish a Manual of Shared Ownership of Farms in April, as was advanced in the second meeting of the working group on Shared Ownership, held on March 21st. With the participation of representatives of the autonomous communities, in this meeting the works carried out for this purpose were exposed. The guide includes an analysis by autonomous communities, a description of the process of registration in shared ownership and a block of frequently asked questions. It is aimed both at people interested in knowing the requirements necessary to register in a shared ownership, as well as at the managers and administrations involved in the process.

Diego Calderón, new deputy director of Unica Group
Unica Group has recently appointed deputy director Diego Calderón who, until the date of this new appointment, was Director of Business Development and Innovation, since November 2015.

Bosch-Valenzuela y Cía collaboration agreement: sensor technology to digitize the Andalusian Agro
Bosch has recently signed a collaboration agreement with Valenzuela y Cía S.A, an agricultural services and supplies company to help producers optimize their crops by searching for the latest applications and world agricultural technology. In this way, Bosch, a leading company in technology and services, has found in agriculture a new field of application for its MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) sensors, in which it expects to bill, up to 2020, nearly one billion euros thanks to the development of solutions based on the Internet of Things (IoT).

What model of exploitation should we support in the CAP?
Article of Opinion signed for ECA by the doctor and agronomist, José María García Álvarez, who reflects on the exploitation model that should be prioritized in the CAP

Historical record of the Spanish agro-alimentary exports, surpassing in value the 50.000M€
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment has published the Advance of the Annual Foreign Trade Report 2017, in which it is noted that Spanish exports during the past year have broken a historical record when exceeding in value, for the first time, 50,000 million euros.

Spain: Almazaras de la Subbética S.C.A., Special Food Award of Spain Best EVOOs
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment has awarded the "Best Spanish Foods Extra Virgin Olive Oil Award, 2017-2018 campaign", in its modalities "Frutado Verde Amargo", "Frutado Verde Dulce" and "Frutado Maduro" " Some awards to revalue the highest quality Spanish virgin olive oils, and encourage producers to develop and market these oils. In this edition, the oil that has received the highest organoleptic score, in the blind tasting conducted by the Heads of the different Official Tasting Panels, has been the one presented by the S.C.A. Almazaras de la Subbética, from Carcabuey (Córdoba), which earned the Special Food Award of Spain.

EuroChem Agro celebrates the First Day of Intensive Crops, focused on the techniques of citrus fertilization
Eurochem Agro Iberia held in Benicarló the First Intensive Crops Day, under the title "Technical Conference on Citrus Fertilization, which has had the assistance of technicians and agricultural professionals from Andalusia, Murcia and Valencia. The main objective of this initiative has been to share knowledge and carry out demonstrations of management and application of fertilizers with ENTEC® technology.