Spain: new record in turnover of olive exports of the 2016/17 campaign
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA), has published the bulletin of foreign trade of olive oil corresponding to the 2016/17 campaign, which shows a new record of turnover, with a value that exceeds in more than 600 million € the previous campaign.

The American David Hula beats again a new world record in corn production
The National Association of Corn Producers (NCGA) made public last December 18 the result of its production contest of 2017, proclaiming the victory of David Hula. With a harvest of 542 bushels per acre at 16% humidity (equivalent to 33,444 kg / ha at 14% humidity, according to European parameters) the farmer of the state of Virginia broke the record that he himself held since 2015.

UPA takes stock of 2017 as a dramatic agrarian year, refuting government figures
The Union of Small Farmers (UPA) has described 2017 as a "dramatic year for the field," due to the drought and inaction that blames the Government, whose macro figures on the sector, highlighting the rise in farm income by 5% for this exercise, they contrast with the negative balance of this agrarian year that the Organization has made.

Interfresa repeats its solidarity initiative “Campanadas con fresas”, in favor of the Association for the Fight against Cancer
The Interprofessional Association of the Strawberry Andalusian (Interfresa) repeats this year its solidarity initiative 'Campanadas con fresas', in favor of the Spanish Association for the Fight against Cancer (AECC), with which it is expected to achieve a greater economic contribution for this organization . In three days, 12,000 cartridges will be distributed in twelve towns in Huelva province, to celebrate with this fruit the entry of the new year. In the words of the manager of Interfresa, Pedro Marín, this initiative had already last year national echo to the point that from cities such as Madrid, Barcelona or Bilbao have received requests to do it this year. But despite the high demand, from the Interprofessional can not commit to have the quantities of strawberries needed.

ASEDAS predicts an increase in Christmas consumption between 3 and 5%
The supermarkets of ASEDAS, Spanish Association of Distributors, Supermarkets and Supermarkets foresees an increase in Christmas consumption between 3 and 5 percent. They also expect the largest influx of customers during the Christmas and New Year weeks, especially on the weekends of the 23rd and 24th and the 30th and 31st of December.

Grupo Agrotecnología reinforces its internationalization strategy with its participation in Growtech Eurasia
In keeping with its internationalization strategy, Grupo Agrotecnología, the leading Spanish company in the national biostimulant and biopesticide sector, was present at Growtech Eurasia, the International Fair of Greenhouses, Agricultural Equipment and Technologies, held in the Turkish city of Antalya, from November 29th to December 2, 2017.

International olive growing: singularization as an incremental differentiation strategy
Opinion article on singularization as a differentiation strategy, written for ECA by Juan Vilar, strategic consultant and international expert in Olive Economics.

Spain: the rural world, shocked by the murder of a rancher and two civil guard in Teruel
The rural world is shocked by the crime committed last December 14th in Teruel against the two civil guards, Víctor Romero Pérez and Víctor Jesús Caballero Espinosa, and the rancher Jose Luis Iranzo. Thus, COAG, agrarian union to which Iranzo belonged, has expressed its deepest consternation for this murder, which has meant "an irreparable loss for the agrarian unionism of the present and the future." Like COAG, UPA wanted to show its solidarity with the victims of this event, which has been described as "a drama that hits the heart of rural areas."

FIMA 2018 exceeds, two months after its start, the figures of surface and brands of its 2016 edition
Two months after its celebration, which will take place from February 20th to 24th, 2018, the FIMA 2018 international fair for agricultural machinery exceeds the exhibition area (16,000 square meters) and participating brands (1,500) to its 2016 edition.

The Government of Ecuador is interested in the model of Almeria agriculture to move it to their country
A delegation from the Government of Ecuador has moved to Almeria to learn first hand the Almerian agriculture model in order to implement a fruit and vegetable development project in their country. The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, Rodrigo Sánchez Haro, has received the Ecuadorian representatives of the initiative Agrovivienda Ecuador 2014-2020, which covers agricultural production with the provision of basic services, to encourage the creation of self-sufficient communities and the sustainable development of rural areas.