CETA: an agreement favorable to exports of fruit and vegetables from the EU
The Free Trade Agreement with Canada (CETA), signed on Sunday, October 30th, will help to promote exports of the fruit and vegetable sector of the European Union, according to the Spanish Federation of Associations of Producers Exporters of Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers and Living plants (FEPEX).

The internationalization of the fruit and vegetable sector, strategic growth line
The Spanish agri-food system has the capacity to achieve higher levels of business development. The internationalization of the fruit and vegetable market is one of the strategic lines for virtually all links and operators. There is no doubt that the recent geopolitical events (Russian veto, Brexit, etc) have shown, more if possible, this need.

Selling fruit and vegetables in organized distribution shows signs of growth
Aurelio del Pino is President of the Association of Spanish Supermarket Chains (ACES). Felipe Medina responsible for Food Chain of the Spanish Association of Distributors, Supermarkets and Supermarkets (ASEDAS). Both have reflected, at the request of e-Comercio Agrario (ECA), on the situation of organized distribution as far as selling fruit and vegetables are concerned. And it has been and is a strategic ally for the sector, acting as a growth engine and transmission belt innovation.

Massey Ferguson completes its ‘full line’ strategy with the introduction of its implements forage
The AGCO group has completed its 'full line' strategy with its global brand Massey Ferguson through the launch of its new line of forage implements, presented in Zaragoza. This is a very important milestone for the company, because as recalled Enrique Fernandez-Marcoten (Brand Manager), until recently Massey Fergusson was characterized by having only tractors. However the roadmap of the company pointed out as the linchpin development of a comprehensive range of solutions for the farmer, whose starting point materialized with the launch of the harvesters, which subsequently blades (telescopic and joined load), in addition to the already known balers.

Stability in grain prices following a downward trend
The current trend in the grain market is characterized by price stability, after the first few months of the campaign in which the trend has been downward, according to statements for ECA of Secretary General of the Association of Commerce Grains and Oilseeds of Spain (ACCOE), Jose Manuel Alvarez. He has stated that the estimate for the rest of the campaign is that prices will not fall more than they have already done and are maintained stable, thanks to cyclical ups like that have been occurring at certain times.

The export citrus campaign to US of PortCastelló starts with 1,900t
The current export citrus campaign to US of PortCastelló recently initiated and which will last until January, will take place chartering a total of nine ships, which could be extended depending on demand. The first ship has sailed with approximately 1,900 tons on board.

Chile exports nectarine to the Chinese market from November
Chilean exports of nectarines will enter the Chinese market directly from November, as announced by the Minister of Agriculture of Chile, Carlos Furche. The official opening of the Chinese market for export of this fruit is the result of three years of negotiations and several meetings held between the authorities of the Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG) and the Chinese AQSIQ. Previously, Chilean nectarine only entered the Chinese market through Hong Kong, with arrests which made the fruit quality lessened and for this reason could not be distributed.

Group G’s Spain presents ‘Love Fresh’ its new commitment to celery ‘ready to eat’
G's Spain Group, one of the leading companies in production and marketing of fresh vegetables and fruits, has unveiled the industry its latest innovation for linear Europeans, celery 'ready to eat', marketed under the name 'Love Fresh'. An action integrated into its strategy to lead the industry by promoting and providing formats and brands that meet the needs of customers and consumers.

Vegetables and stone fruits contribute to a rebound in the Spanish fruit and vegetable exports in August
Spanish exports of fresh fruits and vegetables has seen a clear rebound in August, led by vegetables and stone fruit. So, in that month, exports grew 11,7% in volume and 12% in value compared to August 2015, totaling 768.993 tons and 665,6 million euros, according to the Department of Customs and Excise , processed by FEPEX.

Cuna de Platero prioritizes the sustainability of its productions
Cuna de Platero cooperative bases its current business management in model lines of strategic action that revolve around the R & D and production of increasingly sustainable fruit. Another of their bets is a global offering of berries, and actions that affect add value to the environment, with initiatives of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), among others.