Fendt renews brand and intensifies its efforts and investments in R + D + i
AGCO/Fendt faces a new stage, reinforcing its commitment in research and development (to incorporate into its product offering and series of agricultural machinery the latest technology), and since September this year, renewing optics and aesthetics of its brand with the new color Fendt Nature green, "more powerful, bright, lively and diverse".

Unique offering under the same brand, challenge of stone fruit export to China
I Tertulia Agro Business Marketing DO WE SPEAK?: marketing stone fruit in China, which was held on September 29th in Lleida, has thrown its main conclusions address the challenge of this demanding and vast market under a brand of quality differentiated focus the supply of Spanish stone fruit exports to this country. The sector has welcomed the announcement of MAGRAMA director general Valentin Almansa, that Russia "that Russia "will not hinder the logistic transport by train".

A ‘DNA’ to distinguish the protagonists of Spanish Agro
The International Fair for the Fruit and Vegetable, Fruit Attraction, will host the delivery of distinctions 'DNA Agro Cajamar' to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA), the agronomist and PhD in Agricultural Economics, Tomas Garcia Azcarate, and the Valencian chef Ricard Camarena. The event will take place on 5th October, at 13.30 hours.

Grain cooperatives provide a production of 23.8 million tons
The sector council Grain of Agri-Food Cooperatives of Spain has made a new estimate of the cereal harvest for this campaign, according to the latest data handled, will reach 23.8 million tonnes compared to 18.6 million tons last season, representing a 28.07% increase.

The Valencian citrus sector could lose 124M € due to the EU-South Africa agreement
LA UNIÓ of Llauradors of Valencia claims that the new trade agreement between the European Union and some African countries like South Africa, adopted by the European Parliament on September 14 and in the absence of ratification of the Council of Ministers of the EU and African governments endangers directly revenues over 124 million euros for the citrus sector of Valencia.

Andalusia estimates more than two million tons of citrus
The capacity of the 2016-17 citrus season in Andalusia expected to exceed two million tons of production (2,059,833), a figure that would be an increase from the previous year of 10.5%. These data were recently presented by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development of the Government of Andalusia, Carmen Ortiz, in Palma del Río.

New extension standard for Iberian pig sector
During the meeting of the General Council of Agrifood Interprofessional Organizations, held on September 27th and which has chaired the Secretary General of Agriculture and Food, Carlos Cabanas, has been reported favorably on the extension of standard for the whole of the Iberian pig industry. This is the fourth extension of standard managed by the Interprofessional Association of Iberian pig (ASICI), which will last five years from its entry into force by publishing the corresponding ministerial order.

Sevilla hosts the largest sunflower greenhouse area in the world for R & D
Coinciding this year with its 90th anniversary, the firm Du Pont Pioneer has recently opened in La Rinconada (Sevilla) the most advanced Technology Centre Research in crops of Europe's and the only of Spain, whose construction have invested about 9 million euros and it has the largest area of greenhouses in the world devoted to research sunflower (10,000 square meters).

Costa Rica: postharvest handling against food waste
Given the fact that now a third of the food produced worldwide is wasted, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) recently delivered in the capital of Costa Rica, a technical forum to provide producers interested basics of post-harvest management, to help reduce food losses in food chains.

Ramón Sentmartí “Asian and Latin American markets have great potential for the Catalan fruit and vegetable sector”
A few days before I Tertulia Agro Business DO WE SPEAK ?: Marketing of safe fruit in China, which will take place in Lleida and whose organization participates e-Commerce Agricultural (ECA), interviewed one of its participants, Ramón Sentmartí, new director manager of Promotion of Agrifood Exports from Catalonia(PRODECA). With him we talked about the challenge of internationalization and opportunities posed by the food industry of his autonomous region.