Andalusia doubled its marine aquaculture production in 2015, with more than 10.600t.
The Andalusian Autonomous Community in 2015 doubled its marine aquaculture production to 10.673 tons, almost double that in 2014 (5.831 tons). A figure finds that they are meeting the objectives of the Andalusian Strategy for the Development of Marine Aquaculture for 2014-2020, which envisages tripling production in this period, and confirms the upward trend in this sector.

Initiatives for the restoration of degraded soils in Latin America
The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE), have organized a virtual technical forum to present two initiatives aimed at restoring degraded soils developed by international research organizations: the Centre International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD, for its acronym in French) and the World Resources Institute (WRI, for its acronym in English).

The MAGRAMA initiates proceedings against the Vikings and Seabull ships in its operation against illegal fishing
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) has initiated a file to debug responsibilities in connection with the participation of Spanish natural and legal persons in the ownership, management and operation of the Viking and Seabull 22 vessels identified as being involved in actions illegal fishing. This initiative is part of Operation Sparrow 2 against actions of this nature and highlights the policy of zero tolerance that Spain has applied to fight these practices.

Spain Food Awards 2016 are betting on innovation and participation of youth and women
The call 2016 of the "Food Awards of Spain", published by the Ministry of agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) in the Official Gazette (BOE), will continue to pursue innovation and valuable and recognizable youth and women participation in agribusiness, keeping the Accésit "Food of Spain to Entrepreneurship", a novelty introduced in the previous edition.

A focused campaign towards sustainable management of the stock of sardine and anchovy in the Gulf of Cadiz
From 30th July to 12th August, the research vessel Miguel Oliver will develop the ECOCÁDIZ campaign, which in this year is focused on the characterization and data collection for the evaluation of the main pelagic resources, namely sardine and anchovy, along with other species of horse mackerel and mackerel in the Gulf of Cadiz. An initiative that ultimately pursues a more sustainable management and improved utilization of fishing in this area.

Grants to support new markets and promotion of fishery and aquaculture products
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) published in the Official Gazette (BOE) a call for aid for the development of new markets and promotional campaigns of fishery products and aquaculture 2016, provided with a budget of 250,000 euros.

Convened for the first time the Best Ham 2016 Award Food of Spain
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment has convened for the first time the "Spain Food Award for Best Ham 2016" distinction with which it wants to contribute to promoting the quality ham and to improve its image and market positioning. This award includes modalities "Best Jamon Serrano or other Recognised figures Quality" and "Best Iberian Bellota ham".

Second consecutive year that rice Sclerotinia spreads in Valencia
The Valencian Farmers Association AVA-ASAJA has warned that this is the second consecutive year that propagates in the cultures of their autonomous region fungus Nakataea oryzae, which causes the disease Sclerotinia rice which end result is decay and death of infected plants. The farmers union has called attention to the absence of active substances to combat this scourge, which threatens to destroy the entire crop in affected areas so that farmers can only choose to burning, deep buried or withdrawal of straw .

A parade of “70 tractors for 70 years” of history of Massey Ferguson
On July 30th, the historic parade "70 tractors for 70 years," celebrated in the English city of Coventry the anniversary of the start of production of the flagship tractor Ferguson TE20, affectionately known as the "Little Grey Fergie", whose first model came out, in July 1946, from the assembly line of the old production plant Banner Lane in Coventry. The tractor was the brainchild of engineer and inventor, Harry Ferguson, founder of what is now known as Massey Ferguson, a worldwide brand of AGCO (NYSE: AGCO), one of the world's leading producers of agricultural machinery to markets worldwide.

John Deere makes significant advances in their harvesters
During a conference held in San Cebrián field of Mazote (Valladolid), John Deere Iberia has announced significant advances introduced in their harvesters of the W, T and S series. These developments represent significant improvements in the performance of vehicles in collection efforts, resulting in a considerable saving of time and energy for the farmer.