Mexico opens the door to fresh meat of swine Spanish
Spain thus becomes the first country in the European Union (EU) authorized to export pig meat to Mexico, after a long process of negotiation with the health authorities of this country, and as a result of successful efforts undertaken by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) and the Ministry of Commerce.

Peru elections: Keiko Fujimori takes lead in the first round
Peru by a wide margin over their politicians wing left adversaries,…

EU works with the transport sector to reduce GHG emissions
European ministers of the areas of Environment and Transport analyze the future of transport in Europe and technological innovation as an opportunity to improve the environment and energy efficiency of fuels and vehicles. The goal is to work together to achieve further reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in both sectors.

Red CALC-journalism award Alltech
Do your stories tell of Quality and Innovation in Agriculture? Alltech, a global leader in animal health and nutrition along with Red CALC - Agricultural Communicators Network of Latin America and the Caribbean - reward the best journalistic works on agriculture, animal production and / or agribusiness. You have to present your work deadline until 22 April.

EU: A Spanish horse farm, award “Best Young Sustainable”
In the III European Congress of Young Farmers held today at the Community capital they have unveiled the winners of the European contest "Innovative Young Farmer" in this its third edition has returned to a Spanish representative among the winners. Alicia Garcia Pardo, a cattle Madrid 38 years has won the "Best Young Sustainable" award in a final to projects that have come from 14 EU countries.

Spain and China: a deal to export stone fruit to the Far East
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Spanish Environment signed in Beijing, the Protocol of Phytosanitary Requirements to open the Chinese market for Spanish exports plum, peach, nectarine and Paraguay, closing the long process of negotiation between the MAGRAMA and phytosanitary services and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of Quality of RP Beijing China (AQSIQ its acronym in English).

7th Master in Business Management Agrifood, open term
This postgraduate course is part of the Advanced Training Program for Business Managers of Food Chain MAGRAMA. Internationalization, innovation, improved financing, equipment management and development of managerial skills are, among others, issues discussed in MGEA.

Beef farmers against climate change
The ambitious European project Life-Beef Carbon's primary goal is to identify, demonstrate and disseminate good innovative practices in farm to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of beef by 15% by 2025. The Life-Beef Carbon project was selected as a Agricultural six strategic actions of the Action Agenda Lima-Paris Climate Change Conference COP 21 in Paris.

EU: Broliers holding feed production
Production of compound feed in the EU-28 in 2015 rose to unas156 million tons, which is 0.2% more than in 2014, according to data from the European Federation of Compound Feed Manufacturers (FEFAC) . Food costs fell in 2015. This year does not promise for this sector.

German importers and successful Spanish wineries closer
BASF promote commercial meeting between importers of wine from Germany and winning wineries national blind tasting contest in Vina Experience BASF-Catatalentos 2015 in Barcelona on April 15 .With this event provides an opportunity for wineries to market their wines in Germany.