Spain: the agricultural insurance system with higher risk coverage
The Government has approved the 37th Agricultural Insurance Plan, whose subscription period begins throughout 2016. The new program has a budget of over 211 million euros, representing an increase of 6.1% from the previous Plan. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment increases the percentage of support to the hiring of agricultural insurance in all lines.

Fruit Logistica 2016 held a conference on the logistical challenges of international trade in fruit and vegetables
Fruit Logistica, the most important fresh produce industry trade platform, choose Port of Barcelona to celebrate the upcoming December 15 its first event in Spain dedicated to the importance of logistics in international trade of fruits and vegetables.

Macri is now president of Argentina
In his first address to the Legislature, Mauricio Macri called on Argentines to "build the country of the century" with a strong call for "union", the "teamwork" and its commitment to zero poverty, fight drug trafficking, and "dialogue with the world while preserving the sovereign claims."

MERCOSUR: The transfer of innovation in favor of family farming
About 250 technicians from the agricultural sector in the countries of the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) family farmers, authorities and shared in Asuncion (Paraguay), their experiences in productive, organizational and commercial innovation. Leaders of family farming and specialists see dialogue as a key mechanism to disseminate new knowledge. They are participating leaders of family farming in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Uruguay, Venezuela and Paraguay.

Miguel Suarez Cervieri: “BASF has reached its 150 years of life for getting a clear objective, innovation”
Miguel Suarez Cervieri (1962) is an agronomist with a degree in marketing from various universities in Uruguay. Country manager of the division of Crop Protection of Spanish BASF and president of the Business Association for the Protection of Plants (AEPLA), is convinced of the need for innovation in agriculture to ensure its future and continue producing healthy, healthy foods at affordable prices. But this aspect is so important to him as the political authorities enact laws that favor environmentally sustainable production and competitive markets.

FIMA 2016 comes soon
The last edition of FIMA 2016 Organizing Committee has served to highlight the importance of the agricultural hall Feria de Zaragoza for the sector and put on the table the excellent figures that throws the 39th edition of the event. At the meeting, issues such as globalization, new technologies and good agricultural practices are addressed.

Bolivia, last place of the most important conference on water in Latin America
The XVI Conference of Iberoamerican Water Directors (CODIA), the main forum on the subject of Latin America, which was held in Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia), has adopted a series of agreements to strengthen the strategic role of CODIA as a platform for training and improving the management of water resources in the region. The next conference will be held in Campeche (Mexico), in the second half of 2016.

IX National Hospitality Awards in Spain
Valencia welcomes the holding of the Ninth National Hospitality Awards, organized by the Spanish Federation of Hotels (FEHR) in collaboration with the Business Federation of Hotel de Valencia (FEHV). The Palacio de Congresos de Valencia hosted the event attended by a total of 450 professionals and entrepreneurs, representatives of management, employees and suppliers in order to pay tribute to companies and entrepreneurs in the hospitality sector, which continue to demonstrate their ability to reinvention and adaptation and strong weight in the national economy.

Interprofessional, distributors and institutions will discuss the value chain in the global world
Editorial Agrícola, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Magrama), the Spanish Association of Supermarkets and Supermarkets Distributors, the Designation of Origin Estepa, Interalimentario Forum, the Interprofessional Porcine Whitecloak and Makro organizes the December 10 the conference "Agricultural Café. Value chains in a global market In Search of Excellence", which will take place from 9 in the morning at the headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Square San Juan de la Cruz 10, Madrid) and will feature the sponsorship of BBVA, Enesa and Massey Ferguson.

Spain signed the declaration in Paris “Because the Ocean” to enhance the resilience of marine ecosystems to climate change
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment has signed today, under the Oceans Day celebrated in the Climate Summit (COP 21) in Paris, the statement "Because the Ocean" to enhance the resilience of ecosystems marine facing the impacts of climate change.