Unique authority for phytosanitary evaluation, on discussion in Fruit Attraction
The seminar, organized by AEPLA and FEPEX focuses on model evaluation…

Winner in Spain in the European Business Awards
It is the prestigious largest and most important business recognition…

Feeding the world: “Innovation feeds a sustainable world”
On September 16. takes place in the Ministry of Agriculture,…

Isabel G. Tejerina: “The agri-food exports to Latin America almost doubled in the last 7 years”
The minister of Agriculture of the Spanish Government takes stock…

Spain: Government proposes an agreement with the dairy sector to save production
The draft agreement promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture between…

Mexico, Peru and Brazil, great Latin American stars in Andalucia Sabor
Main importers and distributors of Latin America do not miss…

Consolida2 Plan for improving the internationalization of Spanish SMEs
It has already opened the deadline for submitting applications to participate in the ICEX Consolida2 Plan, aimed at supporting the consolidation and internationalization projects of SMEs with own brand outdoor Spanish except US markets, with specific aid plan .

“The world of coffee” displays aromas on paper
Ramón Fisac, author of the book published by the Magrama, describes major regions and coffee-producing countries in the world, outlining their enclaves and production characteristics. On book are documented the main species and varieties of coffee, which according to its botanical and geographical distribution, give grains a different organoleptic nuances.

“5 a day” association recommends taking advantage of the return to school to resume healthy eating habits
They note that in summer usually increase the intake of ice cream, candy, sugary fast food ybebidas. Autumn is the time to seek "gradually return to a healthy diet."

Spain: Soybean production over 61 million tonnes
Soybeans reached a record high of 61 million tonnes harvested. The harvest corresponding to the 2014/2015 grain campaign will reach 118.7 million tons, a record high, an increase of 11% over the previous harvest, according to the report Agricultural Estimates released by the Ministry of Agriculture (Magrama ).