
The wine sector, satisfied by the EU-Japan agreement that will boost sales to this country
The wine sector has celebrated the principle of a trade agreement recently reached between the European Union and Japan, which will give a strong boost to wine exports to the Japanese market. Thus, the Economic Partnership Agreement with Japan, which could enter into force in 2019, eliminates import tariffs and includes protection for geographical indications.

OIVE advocates in Congress to educate in the responsible consumption of wine before a future regulation on minors and alcohol
The Interprofessional Organization of Wine of Spain (OIVE) has defended before the Joint Congress-Senate Commission for the Study of the problem of Drugs, that the future regulation on minors and alcohol contemplates as pillars prevention and education, implying in the same whole society. In the course of her appearance before the Commission, which develops a paper on Alcohol and Minors in order to lay the foundations for a possible regulation of "non-alcoholic minors", its director Susana García, has exposed the intention of the wine sector to contribute to offer solutions to this problem. In that sense, she has announced the intention of the OIVE to elaborate a Code of Commercial Communication of the wine that protects the minors.

FENAVIN says farewell with record numbers in commercial contacts and public influx
FENAVIN, the reference fair in the Spanish wine sector, closed its edition this year with record figures, both in business contacts, a total of 411,000, and visitors, surpassing 108,000 people, half of them direct professionals in the world of the wine. This was assured by the president of this event and president of the Diputación de Ciudad Real, José Manuel Caballero, during the closing ceremony of this fair.

FENAVIN 2017 opens its doors emphasizing the commitment to internationalization
The ninth edition of the most important wine fair in Spain, FENAVIN, began its journey after an opening ceremony in which it was emphasized the importance of betting on the internationalization of the national wine production, which was attended by Emiliano García Page, president of Castilla-La Mancha, the Minister of Agriculture of this autonomous community, Francisco Martínez Arroyo, the president of the Diputación and FENAVIN, José Manuel Caballero, the mayor of Ciudad Real, Pilar Zamora, and the general secretary of Agriculture and Food of MAPAMA, Carlos Cabanas Godino.

The Canarian government shows the best of its wine production in FENAVIN 2017
Canarias exhibits the excellence of its wines in FENAVIN 2017, one of the most important meeting points of the wine sector, which stands out for its ability to generate business contacts and whose last edition brings together some 17,000 buyers. The presence of the Canary Islands in this fair, which takes place in Ciudad Real from 9th to 11th May, will be strongly represented by the wines from 19 wineries and seven Regulatory Councils of the Denominations of Origin of the Archipelago, as well as the Cabildo de Tenerife, through The Vinos de Tenerife brand, which will participate in this fair under the umbrella of the Canarian Government's stand.

Spain has the largest vineyard area, with 15% of world production
Spain has the largest area of vineyards, accounting for 15% of world production, data that show the strategic nature of its wine sector, as highlighted by the Secretary General of Agriculture and Food, Carlos Cabanas, during the inauguration on April 19th of the Day of the Interprofessional Organization of Wine (OIVE), "Recovering the consumption of wine in Spain".

The Interprofessional of Wine will strengthen its collaboration with the Regulatory Councils
The Interprofessional of Wine of Spain has recently celebrated its Ordinary General Assembly, preceded by a Board of Directors, in which it has been agreed to continue working with the Spanish Conference of Wine Regulatory Councils (CECRV) for the signing of an agreement between both that allows the Creation of a Joint Committee in which the representatives of the Regulatory Councils participate and their incorporation in the Marketing Commission, in charge of the promotion actions.

Syngenta implements pollination practices to preserve biodiversity in Abadía Retuerta vineyards
The Abadía Retuerta farm, located in the Valladolid municipality of Sardón del Duero, practices environmentally friendly agriculture and recovers biodiversity in the margins of its vineyards, through Operation Pollinator, an international program implemented by Syngenta with the collaboration of different scientific organizations in Spain, whose objective is the establishment of specific habitats for pollinating insects in the margins of the crops, which allow the creation of natural refuges for pollinators and encourage the presence of other arthropods useful as predators and parasitoids.

Francisco Mtz. Arroyo: “We focuse on promotion quality figures designations of origin and organic farming”
Castilla-La Mancha for the highest priority is the food industry, since it is the largest exporter of the Spanish region with a large expanse of vineyards. We interview Francisco Martínez Arroyo, Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development of Castilla-La Mancha