
IRTA investigates new varieties of high quality wheat resistant to drought and adapted to climate change
The main effects of climate change that are already observed and predicted in the near future are the increase in temperatures, which will cause an increase in the evapotranspiration of the crops (value estimated at a global scale of 3,000 l per person and day), the increase of extreme weather events and the reduction of rainfall. These changes will probably lead to more severe and frequent droughts that will directly affect the viability and productivity of crops.

Syngenta launches its new fungicide ELATUSM against the main foliar diseases of cereal
Syngenta has presented its ELATUS EraTM distribution network in Spain, one of the major innovations planned for this year 2018. ELATUS EraTM incorporates a new active material, SOLATENOLTM. A new molecule with fungicidal action, with a broad spectrum against the main diseases suffered by cereal crops.

A cereal campaign marked by climatology
Opinion article written for ECA in which the general secretary of the Association of Grain and Oilseeds in Spain (ACCOE), José Manuel Álvarez, makes an assessment of the current cereal campaign.

La Mancha cooperatives expect the cereal harvest to fall by 40%, due to the lack of rainfall and record figures last year
Agro-food cooperatives in Castilla-La Mancha estimate that the cereal harvest will be reduced by 40%, mainly due to the scarcity of rain and the record production of last season. A forecast that has been released in the course of the Sectoral Commission of Herbaceous Crops that the organization has recently held to address the first results of the campaign in the region and the current situation of the sector.

Stability in grain prices following a downward trend
The current trend in the grain market is characterized by price stability, after the first few months of the campaign in which the trend has been downward, according to statements for ECA of Secretary General of the Association of Commerce Grains and Oilseeds of Spain (ACCOE), Jose Manuel Alvarez. He has stated that the estimate for the rest of the campaign is that prices will not fall more than they have already done and are maintained stable, thanks to cyclical ups like that have been occurring at certain times.

Macri wants to turn Argentina in the world supermarket
The most professionalized exhibition of Argentine agroindustrial sector witnessed a historic landmark, no doubt testimonial. The presence of the president of the nation for the first time in Expoagro staged changing agricultural policy. The previous government had decided to interventionism and control of exports of agricultural products. Instead, Macri Administration is implementing and stimulating measures such as the reduction of withholding tax, currency devaluation and removes obstacles to sell more across borders. Obama's visit to the country is another opportunity to reopen or improve access to the US market for some of its productions.

World prices for wheat exports are on sale
Data from the European Commission (EC) said the international prices of wheat exports become cheaper up to 40% over a year. The behavior of other commodities such as barley, corn and soybeans, also suffers falls.

Cereal production near of the edge of milestone
The International Grains Council (IGC) expects world cereal production to decline by only 1% in 2015-2016 compared to last year's record, thanks to the large stocks, is expected to total supply reaches a new high. Although the increase in supply will be absorbed largely by strong demand, it is expected that stocks reach their highest figure in 29 years.

About 2,600 fewer employees at Monsanto after suffering losses
The multinational biotechnology and seed the largest manufacturer in the world has announced it will eliminate about 2,600 jobs over the next two years, representing 12% of its workforce, to offset their losses from the decline in global prices commodity. Its benefits have fallen by 15.5% to 2,310 million.