
UPA values this harvest negatively, both in production and prices
The agricultural organization UPA has made a negative balance, both in production and in prices, of the current harvest, once this has become widespread throughout the national territory. Thus, and according to their calculations, the production of grapes has decreased by 20% as a result of bad climatology, a decline that in some territories has reached 60%. Although this bad situation is also suffered by other European competitors, in Spain winegrowers also have to deal with low prices. For this reason, the UPA has asked the Food Information and Control Agency (AICA) to intensify controls of compliance with the Law of the food chain.

The cooperatives expect a production of 21.5Mhl in La Mancha and good commercial prospects
Agro-food cooperatives in Castilla-La Mancha estimate that production in their autonomous community for the next wine year 2017-18 will reach 21.5 million hectoliters, as this organization has announced during its recent Assembly of Wines, held In Tomelloso, and in which the legislative, productive and commercial keys of that campaign were approached.
Pro Event Calendar

OIV presents the first 2015 estimations of the vitivinicultural sector production
The Director General of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine, Jean-Marie Aurand, present the first 2015 estimations of the vitivinicultural sector production and the 2015 OIV Focus on Rosé wines, the 28th October 2015.