
The economy in the EU will grow by 4.2% in 2021 and 4.4% in 2022
The Spring 2021 Economic Forecast projects that the EU economy…

Questions and Answers on the EU budget: the PAC and Common Fisheries Policy
From the European Commission they want to clarify doubts about the new CAP and the FEMP (European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, its economic distribution and its new strategic lines.

The EC authorizes private storage for olive oil
The commissioner has announced the imminent presentation of a proposed regulation for the opening of a measure to help private storage of olive oil, to help adjust the offer.

EU: the Commission will ensure that the US comply with the rules of the WTO in its investigation of the Spanish olive
By Milagros Jurado
The services of the European Commission…

Published the new Maximum Residue Limit of Diclorprop P for citrus fruits, which is set at 0.3mg / kg
According to Nufarm, the world leader in crop protection, the new Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) of Diclorprop-P for the whole citrus group was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 30th September (Regulation (EU ) of Commission 2017/1777). The new MRL set at 0.3 mg / kg includes oranges, mandarins, lemons, limes and grapefruits.
Pro Event Calendar

DEMO AGRO Es el único evento demostrativo en España donde el…

"FENAVIN es la feria de referencia del vino español". Así definen…

World Olive 2025
La World Olive Oil Exhibition se erige como la principal feria…

Olio Capitale 2025
Olio Capitale la 17ª edición del salón del aceite de oliva…

Biofach Nuremberg 2025
Biofach Nuremberg es la feria líder mundial en alimentos orgánicos.…