
UPA and COAG highlight 2016 as year of high production but low agricultural prices
In its usual year-end balance sheet, the agricultural organizations COAG and UPA have agreed to value 2016 as a year that has been characterized by a significant increase in production (which has grown in value to € 46.487 billion), as opposed to agricultural prices, which have been experiencing a general fall that COAG estimates at 4% and which, according to UPA, is the main cause, together with the inaction and lack of support from the political institutions, the coming economic choke suffering from food producers in Spain.

Joan Mir: “innovation is the differentiating element that makes companies excellent”
The cooperative group Anecoop has been commemorating, throughout 2016, 40 years of growth, evolution and commercial expansion, thanks to its constant commitment to innovation and the adaptation to the needs of the consumer, making quality and food safety, the respect for the environment, social economy and the promotion of healthy eating, its main distinguishing features. From this and many other issues, we spoke at ECA with its director general, Joan Mir.

Jose Luis Rojas: “Trump’s victory could slow the way out of the crisis”
Jose Luis Rojas: "Trump's victory could slow the way out of the crisis"

Hogan consideres integration and competitiveness as keys for the succes of pig sector
European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Phil Hogan, highlighted as key to the success of Spanish and Community pig sector "professionalism, competitiveness, and integration" and encouraged "further work on the medium and long term to ensure a future sparkly".

Manel Simon: “China is a great opportunity if you work with rigor and prudence”
The production of fresh fruit is one of the pillars for the internationalization of Catalan agri-food sector, whose autonomous region lies between the main producing areas of fresh fruit in Europe, holding fourth place in world production of pear and twentieth that of Apple. With Manel Simon, CEO of the Business Association of Fruit of Catalonia (Afrucat) we talk about issues that concern the future of the sector as the TTIP, exports to third countries or the potential of the Chinese market.

Tejerina says the TTIP will benefit economically to Spain and will create jobs
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, has expressed his conviction that the Transatlantic Trade Agreement and Investment (TTIP) between the European Union and the United States will bring benefits for the Spanish economy and will be a source of job creation.

23 points on the TTIP
In the following opinion piece, Tomas Garcia Azcarate, researcher at the Institute of Economics, Geography and Demography (IEGD) of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), raises 23 points of reflection on the Transatlantic Trade Agreement and Investment (TTIP), for free trade between the European Union and the United States.

UPA rejects that agriculture is a bargaining chip in negotiations on a free trade agreement between EU and US
The Union of Small Farmers and ranchers (UPA) participates today…

EU: The beef cattle seeks to curb the crisis
The most representative European associations of beef cattle manifest the serious situation of crisis in the beef in some Member States of the EU and warn of possible degradation of the situation in the second half of 2016 unless the EU takes place decisive action to correct critical aspects of beef cattle stocks. They add that before this, the adoption of any multilateral trade agreement is totally suicidal and propose to Brussels a series of actions to avoid greater evils.

Spain: AICA, a stronghold of the food chain
Information Agency and Food Control (AICA) works to serve the whole sector to ensure compliance with the law of the food chain, a pioneer in the European Union standard and an example to follow by other Member States. Spain is a leader in Europe in regulation and monitoring of the food chain.