
Pedro Marin: “There are not enough berries in the market to supply all customers”
Spain is the main Community producer of strawberry and berries. The province of Huelva concentrates the bulk of this production, from where it supplies a good part of the community markets. Pedro Marín Andrés is the Manager of the Andalusian Strawberry Interprofessional Association (Interfresa), which, in addition to overseeing the interests of the sector, is carrying out the Strawberry of Europe promotion campaign. 'Live the Red'. On the evolution of the sector and the results of this, he has spoken with e-Comercio Agrario.

Freshuelva “harvest” an excellent reception in its promotional campaign of the internal consumption of berries
The National Association of Strawberry Producers and Exporters of Huelva, Freshuelva, an association integrated in FEPEX, is carrying out a campaign to boost the national consumption of blueberries, raspberries and blackberries of the province, in large areas of Madrid and Barcelona, which is having a great acceptance between the users and consumers.

The Huelva berries, diversification of production and markets
Alberto Garrocho, president of the Onubense Association of Producers and Exporters of Strawberry (FRESHUELVA), reflects on this opinion article, written for ECA, on the exporting vocation of the red fruit sector and its commitment to new markets and the diversification of Its production, providing forecasts of the current campaign.

Aldi withdraws its claim of strawberries, after the UPA complaint
The German-based supermarket chain Aldi has withdrawn its offer of strawberries, which the Union of Small Farmers (UPA) had denounced the previous day, as it was considered abusive, as the selling price of the product was below the cost of production.

The strawberry loses ground in the 2016/17 campaign against the rest of berries
Strawberry cultivation is down 7%, compared to the rest of berries (blueberries, raspberries and blackberries), which will increase by 22% for the 2016/17 season, according to data provided by the Onubense Association of Producers and Exporters of Strawberry (Freshuelva).

Cuna de Platero prioritizes the sustainability of its productions
Cuna de Platero cooperative bases its current business management in model lines of strategic action that revolve around the R & D and production of increasingly sustainable fruit. Another of their bets is a global offering of berries, and actions that affect add value to the environment, with initiatives of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), among others.

Mexico: rising exports of berries
Over 50 years EF Schumacher, economist and thinker born in Germany, I think a partnership in the UK called Intermediate Technology Development Group (Group for the development of intermediate technologies), based on his book published in 1973, Small is beautiful ( small is beautiful), whose objectives were to publicize the virtues of micro enterprises that generate their own income without flaunting it. Any resemblance to the undertaking of strawberries is just a coincidence.

Freshuelva promotes the consumption of strawberries at Fruit Logistica
Producers and marketers of strawberries in the province of Huelva have participated in a meeting with the renowned German chef Léa Linster, prescriptive in Germany of the "Strawberries in Europe: Vive la Roja" which Interfresa place in Spain, France and Germany to boost consumption of this fruit.
Pro Event Calendar

III International Congress of Red Fruits. Huelva
The Conference Center of Casa Colón de Huelva will host from June 21 to 22 the Third International Congress of Red Fruits, organized by Freshuelva, as an association that brings together the largest percentage of producers and exporters of red fruits and companies with more dimension and Activity within this sector and in charge of preparing the content proposal of the same. An event that will meet the representatives of the red fruit sector, the companies that make up the production and commercialization of these crops, as well as those that provide services or distribute products of application and direct use in this activity.