
South Africa accumulates 17 pest detections in citrus shipments to Europe
A total of 17 South African shipments intercepted throughout this citrus campaign and when the country still has several months left to close its imports bound for Europe.

International: ‘Xtractor Around The Word’ starts its second solidarity expedition
Xtractor Around The Word has begun its second expedition at the beginning of April, characterized by its solidary nature. This travel experience, which takes place in South Africa, is carried out to promote the role of agriculture and support humanitarian actions, always being one of its most important values.

The threat of “black spot” flies over Europe
The Spanish citrus sector has sent a letter to the President of the Commission, Jean Claude Juncker, setting out concerns about the threat to plant citrus imports from third countries contagion risk of "black spot". One more year, the industry insists the Commission to prepare an automatic reaction, that if South Africa resends the contaminated fruit export season and if more than five interceptions are recorded, the EU close the border.