
Bayer introduces agricultural system for direct-seeded rice
On UN World Food Day, Bayer announced the introduction of its…

6th International Rice Congress
More than 1,000 presentations, from latest research, market and…

Loyant®, a new herbicide against rice weeds
This innovative solution by Corteva Agriscience ™ for rice cultivation stands out for its wide spectrum of action and its high flexibility of use.

Spain: AVA ASAJA warns that the agreement with Mercosur threatens the stability of the Valencian rice sector
The vice-president of the rice sector of COPA-COGECA -an entity that brings together the agricultural organizations and the European cooperatives- and leader of AVA-ASAJA, Miguel Minguet, has denounced in Brussels that among the proposals that are being debated these days, in the framework of the negotiations with the Mercosur countries (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay), is the importation with a reduced tariff of 45,000 tons of rice. A concession to exports of rice from the territories of the aforementioned alliance, which would have very damaging effects on the European rice sector and, by extension, on the Spanish and the Valencian.

Aguilera calls for urgent measures to remove the term “milk” from products of plant origin
Socialist MEP Clara Aguilera has urged the European Commission (EC) in writing to withdraw as a matter of urgency the name "milk" from products of plant origin, such as beverages derived from soybeans, almonds or rice.

Globalization in the field of R & D & I in cereals
By Ignacio Solís Martel, technical director of Agrovegetal S.A.

Cereal production near of the edge of milestone
The International Grains Council (IGC) expects world cereal production to decline by only 1% in 2015-2016 compared to last year's record, thanks to the large stocks, is expected to total supply reaches a new high. Although the increase in supply will be absorbed largely by strong demand, it is expected that stocks reach their highest figure in 29 years.