
LAINCO starts trials with SENSATIO®, the solution against Xylella fastidiosa in Mallorca
After obtaining the patent last December, LAINCO has started…

AEPLA will continue with the improvement of the phytosanitary ware safety system
The Business Association for the Protection of Plants (AEPLA) held last Thursday its General Assembly, in which to improve the authorization system of plant protection, the defense of the production model based on the use of technology, communicate and raise awareness in society of the benefits of the phytosanitary products and analyze the role that the sector will play in the future of agriculture were the main topics that were addressed.

AEPLA questions the impartiality and rigor of the IARC regarding glyphosate
AEPLA, a business association that represents the phytosanitary ware manufacturing sector in Spain, criticizes the conflict of interests and the lack of rigor in the IARC, an agency of the World Health Organization (WHO), regarding glyphosate. In fact, in the last weeks and months there has been a constant trickle of information published as a result of journalistic investigations carried out by international agencies and relevant media from different parts of the world about irregularities of that agency, whose report served to justify the positions they advocate. Do not renew an essential tool that has been used for agricultural and non-agricultural uses for more than 40 years.

Published the new Maximum Residue Limit of Diclorprop P for citrus fruits, which is set at 0.3mg / kg
According to Nufarm, the world leader in crop protection, the new Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) of Diclorprop-P for the whole citrus group was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 30th September (Regulation (EU ) of Commission 2017/1777). The new MRL set at 0.3 mg / kg includes oranges, mandarins, lemons, limes and grapefruits.

TRIANUM®, double action biofungicide and star novelty from Koppert Biological Systems at Fruit Attraction 2017
TRIANUM®, the new and powerful double-acting biofungicide, will be the undisputed protagonist among the many innovations that Koppert Biological Systems will offer at its stand during the ninth edition of Fruit Attraction, an international fair in the fruit and vegetable sector, which will take place from 18th to 20th October, at the Fairgrounds in Madrid (IFEMA). This Koppert star product guarantees maximum protection against soil pathogens without leaving residues, without generating resistance problems and with authorization for use in organic farming.

Idai Nature bets on boosting trade link with Mexico
The company Idai Nature has promoted a business meeting with the objective of promoting investment and cooperation between the Valencian Community and Mexico in the agri-food sector, as well as the search for formulas to increase agricultural exports to the Latin American country.

Spain: non-renewal of glyphosate would mean losing € 2.1bn and 5,000 jobs
According to the Socioeconomic Impact Study of Conservation Agriculture and the non-renewal of the authorization of glyphosate in Spain, prepared by the PricewaterhouseCoopers (Pwc) consultancy, to dispense with glyphosate-based herbicides would be a negative economic impact for our country. Would amount to 2,124 million euros, in terms of production, equivalent to 0.10% of National Production. In terms of employment, the losses that would result from the non-renewal of the use of this substance are estimated at about 5,000 jobs.

COMPO EXPERT Spain opens new facilities in Gran Canaria
COMPO EXPERT Spain has opened new facilities in Gran Canaria, specifically in the town of Telde. The presentation of the new warehouse, with an area of 1,500 m2, has served to showcase some of the company's most innovative products, such as Kamasol® Aqua and Vitanica® RZ, which are of great interest to farmers in the archipelago.

The founder of Idai Nature, recognized as ‘Best National Entrepreneur 2017’
Idai Nature founder Carlos Ledó has received the ASTER award that annually awards ESIC BUSINESS & MARKETING SCHOOL in the category of Best National Entrepreneur 2017.

Grupo Agrotecnología and the University of Granada collaborate to promote advances in research
The Alicante company Grupo Agrotecnología has been collaborating with the University of Granada for several years in several research and development projects to boost its advances in this field. There are several lines of research in which both parties work together: the development of novel systems for the production of microorganisms, disease control agents and plant growth promoters, as well as new formulation schemes beneficial to soil-plant systems and the development of new products.