
EU: Member States support the new standards for organic farming
The European Commission has assessed as a decisive step the support that Member States have expressed on November 20th, for the approval of new standards for organic farming, which would establish a simplified legal framework that would cover all producers, since be from the EU or from third countries exporting to the EU.

FADEMUR reduces carbon footprint in food thanks to the Redmur program
The Federation of Rural Women's Associations (FADEMUR) has been promoting the reduction of the carbon footprint in food, through the program "Redmur: Network of entrepreneurship and socio-labor insertion for the diversification of sustainable activities in the rural environment", in Which involved artisans and entrepreneurs from Galicia, Extremadura, Castilla y León, Castilla-La Mancha, Madrid and the Valencian Community. A work that has materialized in the realization of the detailed study of carbon footprint of sugarless and ecological chestnut jam, one of the star products of the artisan company Caurelor, based in Quiroga (Lugo).

Argentina: 0.5% will be reclassified to organic products or covered by quality certificates
The Ministry of Agro-industry of the Republic of Argentina has recently published a resolution in the Official Gazette so that they can access to the refund of 0.5% additional those companies whose products have the status of Organic, with the right to use the Seal "Argentine Food, a Natural Choice", or have Denomination of Origin, or Geographical Indication.

MAPAMA promotes the commercial contacts of Spanish companies in BIOFACH 2017
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment promoted these days, from 15th to 18th February, the Spanish organic products in the Fair BIOFACH 2017, through an institutional stand in which, apart from showing the richness and diversity of the sector, under the motto "Ecological products: good for nature, good for you", Spanish companies will be able to work their business contacts and expand their portfolio of international clients, in the two areas of professional meetings enabled for this purpose.

Latin America and the Caribbean are committed to organic farming
Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) agglutinate 15% of the global organic area, with 6.8 million hectares under organic production. Currently, worldwide 43.7 million hectares certified for organic production are recognized, representing 1% of the land suitable for global production.

UNICA Group specialties in tomato and pepper, to view of Italian farmers
A group of 30 Italian farmers visited the facilities of the fruit and vegetable marketing Ferva S.A.T. UNICA Group. Are representatives of seed companies Hazera and Vilmorin, and producers dedicated to the cultivation of cherry tomato branch, peppers and eggplant, both in conventional agriculture and organic production.

Spain Food Awards 2015
With these awards, the Ministry of Agriculture recognizes the work of companies and professionals who have distinguished themselves by producing, providing and disseminating food quality Spanish, in the categories of Food Industry, Catering, Organic Production, Communication, Fish Production and Aquaculture, Food Internationalization and Special Prize of Spain.