Carbotecnia renews its collaboration with the University of Castilla-La Mancha in the program Sustertech4CH
Carbotecnia S.L. has renewed the collaboration it has been developing for more than 10 years with the University of Castilla-La Mancha, initiating a new biannual project of the state program of research, development and innovation oriented to the challenges of the Society, Sustertech4CH, under the title "Remediation Electrochemistry of soils and water polluted by organochlorines generated in industrial activities".
Fertilizers designed to combat fatigue in horticultural soil
SEIPASA has developed its line of organic fertilizers, Multisei and Terrasei, specially designed for exhausted soils, such as those destined for intensive crops. This is the case of horticultural lands, fatigued by intense activity and poor water quality.