
Imports from Morocco continue to increase
Morocco is the first non-EU supplier in the Spanish market, with 363,399 tons imported from January to October 2019.

EU: escalation of EU imports of vegetables from Morocco, Turkey and Egypt
Community imports of vegetables from Morocco, Turkey and Egypt have experienced an unstoppable climb in recent years. A trend that has been reinforced in the first four months of 2017, compared to the same period of the previous year, with growth of 17% in the case of Morocco, 51% in Turkey and 20% in Egypt, according to the latest data updated by the Office of Statistics of the European Union (Eurostat), processed by FEPEX.

The olive exporters, in a complicated situation, due to the high prices at origin
Opinion article in which Rafael Pico, director of the Spanish Association of the Industry and Exports of Olive Oil (Asoliva) assesses the situation of Spanish exports of olive oil for e-Comercio Agrario (ECA).

Canarian banana producers target Moroccan market
Representatives of ASPROCAN Banana Growers Organizations have visited Casablanca these days to learn firsthand about the opportunities available for banana exports from the Canary Islands to Morocco. In this trip, organized in collaboration with the Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade (ICEX), the Canarian delegation has held meetings with the main horticultural companies of distribution and maturation of Moroccan bananas and with interest in the introduction of the Canarian Plantain in the market of that country.

The European tomato marked by the price crisis
Cooperatives Agro-alimentary of Spain and member organizations of the Joint Committee take stock of the terrible campaign tomato and seek support from the EU. From September 2015 to February 2016 there has been a drop in revenue in the sector of 11% and a price decrease of 17%.

EU and Morocco in negotiations following the judgment annulling the bilateral trade agreement
The Court of Justice of the EU has annulled the decision of the European Council in March 2012 on the conclusion of an agreement to liberalize trade in agricultural and fishery products between the Veintiocho and Morocco. The only sentence in the part relating to the territory of Western Sahara Tribunal. According to that court, the EU did not check whether the exploitation of resources had an impact on the population of that territory.