
The EC will propose the Andalusian Observatory of prices as ‘Feader draft Best Practices’
European officials will propose to include the Andalusian Observatory of Prices in the list of projects 'Feader Best Practices', for the contribution of this web platform to market transparency. This decision was communicated during the meeting held recently by the Secretary General of Agriculture and Food of the Government of Andalusia, Rafael Peral, with a Community delegation, headed by the director of the Monitoring Unit of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) of Spain and Portugal, Efthimios Bokias.

Vineyard: the globalized culture par excellence
If globalization dictates on economic, political and social relations, foot field is an example that illustrates in recent decades: the vineyard. The relocation of the crop beyond the shores of the Mediterranean has reached and even China, a market with great potential consumption of wine, which stands as the second vineyard in the world, behind Spain. The OIV has analyzed the potential for wine production, the balance of the harvest and the market situation and international exchanges in 2015.

Costa Rica: Wholesale markets of agricultural products face the challenge of innovation
The supply centers in the region are facing major challenges as ensuring the quality and safety of agricultural products, improve services offered to the various stakeholders in the agricultural chain and compete with the big supermarket chains. The development of technical, business and technology is key to creating wholesale markets (MM) of the XXI century.

Industry Food and Beverages, Spanish “flag” abroad. Mauricio Garcia de Quevedo. FIAB
As a leading industrial sector in Spain, the food and beverage industry turnover of more than 93,000 million euros, representing nearly 3% of GDP and directly employs half a million people. To be a benchmark exercise requires great responsibility and commitment to society and the economy. We are facing a great challenge boost the sector's competitiveness in the international consolidation process in which we are immersed. To do this, innovation or the promotion are the cornerstones on which we are setting our strategy.

Consolida2 Plan for improving the internationalization of Spanish SMEs
It has already opened the deadline for submitting applications to participate in the ICEX Consolida2 Plan, aimed at supporting the consolidation and internationalization projects of SMEs with own brand outdoor Spanish except US markets, with specific aid plan .