
A cereal campaign marked by climatology
Opinion article written for ECA in which the general secretary of the Association of Grain and Oilseeds in Spain (ACCOE), José Manuel Álvarez, makes an assessment of the current cereal campaign.

La Mancha cooperatives expect the cereal harvest to fall by 40%, due to the lack of rainfall and record figures last year
Agro-food cooperatives in Castilla-La Mancha estimate that the cereal harvest will be reduced by 40%, mainly due to the scarcity of rain and the record production of last season. A forecast that has been released in the course of the Sectoral Commission of Herbaceous Crops that the organization has recently held to address the first results of the campaign in the region and the current situation of the sector.

Globalization in the field of R & D & I in cereals
By Ignacio Solís Martel, technical director of Agrovegetal S.A.