
More than 326 mill. € for agricultural, livestock, food and rural development programs
Of these funds, 104.1 million euros are allocated to finance the 2014 - 2020 Rural Development Programs.

Sánchez Haro highlights the importance of Andalusian livestock in the Porc d’Or Iberian awards
The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, Rodrigo Sánchez Haro, has valued the Porc d'Or Iberian awards as an "incentive" for a sector that contributes 500 million euros to the Andalusian economy. This has been highlighted in Cordoba, during the gala of delivery of the 30 awards of the second edition of this contest organized by the Institute of Research and Technology Agroalimentarias (IRTA), attached to the Generalitat of Catalonia, and which recognizes the results productive activities of Spanish pig farms.

UPA presents to the Ministry its project to adapt the agricultural sector to climate change
Climate change is the main challenge facing the agricultural sector today. In the agrarian organization UPA are aware of this and that is why they are focusing all their efforts on helping farmers and ranchers to adapt their farms to this new situation and thus reduce their impact on the sector. These efforts are being channeled into a macroproject called InfoAdaptaAgri that will be presented to the Minister of Agriculture, Isabel García Tejerina, on June 6th. The act will be open to all interested persons, it is simply necessary to send an inscription in advance.

INTERPORC celebrates in China the ‘International Week of Spanish Pig’ to promote the Spanish pig and facilitate trade exchanges
The Interprofessional of the Porcino of Capa Blanca (INTERPORC) has organized from May 14 to 18 the program 'International Spanish Pork Week' in Shanghai (China), which includes a wide program of activities with a triple objective: to promote the qualities of the products of the Spanish pig in the Asian giant, facilitate commercial exchanges between Spanish companies and Chinese importers and strengthen institutional relations between both countries.

The filtration of a tree of the new PAC generates great doubts among farmers and ranchers
The Union of Small Farmers and Cattle Ranchers has shown its uncertainty about the important reforms that the European Commission is proposing in its draft new Common Agricultural Policy. Although they recognize that the debate on the future CAP "has only just begun", it does seem that Brussels intends to design a more decentralized CAP, more audited and revised and greener. "Of course it does not seem that they intend to make life easier for the recipients, but complicate things even more," they say.

“For Equality in Agrifood Cooperativism”
Institutional Statement of the movement of Cooperativist Women of Castilla-La Mancha, signed by its spokesperson, Carmen Vallejo Garcelán.

AGRAGEX expects 2017 to close with a 10% increase in Spanish exports of agricultural equipment
AGRAGEX, the Spanish Association of Manufacturers-Exporters of Agricultural Machinery and its Components, Greenhouses, Crop Protection, Irrigation Systems, Livestock Equipment, Animal Health and Nutrition, Forest Machinery, Biomass and Post-harvest; On February 21st, it released information on the Spanish export of agricultural equipment during the last financial year. With official data available only until November 2017, and totaling exports worth 2,127,949,081.08 €, the association estimates that the year will close with a 10% increase compared to 2016, in which, moreover, only an increase of 2.95% had been achieved compared to 2015.

UPA takes stock of 2017 as a dramatic agrarian year, refuting government figures
The Union of Small Farmers (UPA) has described 2017 as a "dramatic year for the field," due to the drought and inaction that blames the Government, whose macro figures on the sector, highlighting the rise in farm income by 5% for this exercise, they contrast with the negative balance of this agrarian year that the Organization has made.

Spain: the pressure of the dairy industry threatens the existence of 25% of dairy sheep farms
25% of the Spanish farms of sheep of milk could close in 2018, due to the strong pressures that big dairy industries are transferring to the farmers. Both the prices that these companies are offering to the producers, and the conditions of the contracts put, as denounced by the agrarian organization UPA, in "serious risk of disappearance" to many farms.
Pro Event Calendar

Investments in Renewable Energy in Agri-Food Cooperatives. Madrid
Agro-alimentary Cooperatives of Spain celebrates on February 14 a Conference on Investments in Renewable Energy in Cooperatives, which will take place in the School of Agricultural and Food Engineering (UPM), in Avda. Puerta de Hierro 2, Madrid.