
Special Riego: “without water there are no irrigation, and without irrigation there is no food”
Report on the importance for the future of agriculture of a good water infrastructure and the development of increasingly efficient and sustainable irrigation systems, which ECA publishes today, March 22, World Water Day.

D.O Valdepeñas: more than 40 years of uninterrupted participation in the Fair of the Field of Manzanares (FERCAM)
The Denomination of Origin (DO) Valdepeñas will once again be present at the Fair of the Field of Manzanares (FERCAM), where it has been participating uninterruptedly throughout 40 years of the history of this event, that this year is celebrating its 57th edition.

ASAJA Albacete mobilizes thousands of farmers and ranchers in defense of the rural environment, under the motto “No field, no life”
ASAJA Albacete has staged a demonstration in the capital of his province, on Thursday, April 6th, under the motto "No field, no life", demanding measures to the regional and central administration to solve the very serious situation of the agrarian sector, including, among others, the declaration of Plague of the mountain rabbit and other species of big game, with measures to eradicate these pests; a plan of irrigation that guarantees the future of the exploitations and the wealth in the region: 1,500 hm3 for 500,000 has. to 20 years; that CAP aid should be more agile, consistent with rules and, above all, basic to the viability of farms: that the aid should not be delayed.

María Jiménez:”in Spain is not subsidize the use of technology for efficient irrigation”
The commemoration of the World Water Day brings us to this interview with María Dolores Jiménez Ruz, technical and commercial director of HIDROSOPH España, a company specialized in the sustainable management of irrigation ... With she we have addressed issues as important to agriculture as the optimization of the use of water in irrigation systems and, in short, the need to continue to advance, with a more effective commitment by the different administrations, in the development of R & D & I projects that entail greater savings and profitability for the farmer.

Tejerina is committed to making Murcia the region with the greatest investment in water infrastructure
The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, has promised that Murcia will be the region where most will be invested in infrastructure to solve water problems, during a meeting held with the Governing Council Of Agri-Food Cooperatives of Spain, where the Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives of the Region of Murcia (Fecoam), is represented by its president, Santiago Martínez.