
Rodrigo Sánchez Haro: “we must make the agreement between the EU and Mercosur an opportunity for our productions”
The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development of Andalusia, Rodrigo Sánchez Haro, addresses in this interview given to ECA the main lines of action of his Department, together with the main challenges, strengths and opportunities of the Andalusian agri-food sector. Free trade agreements, such as that of the EU and Mercosur, and the Brexit challenge have been other issues analyzed.

Giropoma Costa Brava S.L. accounts for a production close to 30,000 tons of apple protected by the PGI Manzana de Girona
The company Giropoma Costa Brava S.L. has accounted for this season an apple production protected by the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) Manzana de Girona near 30,000 tons, and will be kept entirely in the facilities that this company has in Ullà (Girona). The varieties that are being collected and which are included in the IGP are Royal Gala, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious and Granny Smith. Fuji will be the next variety in being recolected and the harvest will finish with the Cripps Pink variety, which is marketed under the Pink Lady brand.

Just as important it is to produce and communicate what is grown
Agriculture in the XXI century society is as necessary as unknown. It is the conclusion of the last general assembly and the press conference of the Business Association for Plant Protection (AEPLA). They are the consumer aware of the important role that agriculture plays in the production of fresh foods every day arrive at your table? This and other questions have led to AEPLA to launch the "I Perception Survey and Image Agriculture" conducted by the consulting Commends and now the results are made public.