Pro Event Calendar
Introducing Mac Fruit Attraction
The presentation of the second edition of Fruit Attraction Mac will take place on Wednesday, October 5th, at 16: 30h, in the space Innova Forum, located in the heart of Halls 2 and 4. The event, in addition to representatives IFEMA, CESENA FIERA and IFP Group, will feature the participation of Egyptian ambassador to Spain, Ahmed Ismail Abdelmoeti.
BASF day in Fruit Attraction on Enervin® Duo
BASF, imparts Wednesday, October 5th, at 17.30 h., in Fruit Attraction, a technical workshop on Enervin® Duo, fungicide to control downy mildew in fruit and vegetable crops. This event is part of the Innova Forum, core connection 2-4.