
Freshfel on ‘An EU School Scheme Fit for the Future’
On 24 November Freshfel Europe’s General Delegate Philippe…

Bayer hosts an expert forum on Fruit Logistics to discuss the challenges of the fruit and vegetable sector
Bayer has participated in Fruit Logística 2017, held in Berlin, through a forum of experts in which it has analyzed and debated on the challenges and opportunities of the production of fruits and vegetables in Europe. Through this initiative, Bayer is firmly committed to the association of all parts of the food chain to meet the needs of consumers.

Cajamar, in the creation of the first European network for innovation in horticulture
The EUVRIN initiative is backed by 50 research centers in 16 countries, among which are the experimental stations Cajamar Caja Rural, specializing in intensive agriculture Mediterranean. Brussels hosted last ebruary 1 the act of constitution of the European Network of Centres of Horticultural Research, EUVRIN for its acronym in English (European Vegetable Research Institutes Network), with the participation of 80 representatives from fifty technological institutes 16 countries.