
Chile: Exports of fresh fruit exceed 854,000 tons to date
The Association of Fruit Exporters of Chile AG (ASOEX) has recently presented the advance of fresh fruit exports so far in the 2017/18 fruit season. Thus, according to its president Ronald Bown, from September 1st to February 16th, Chile has sent 854,671 tons of fresh fruits to the world, a figure that turns out to be 5.35% less than the volumes sent to the same period last season.

Cuna de Platero receives in Fruit Attraction the Prize of Internet to the Best Blog, granted by FruitToday
Cuna de Platero has consolidated in the last edition of Fruit Attración its commitment to the dissemination of healthy habits and the consumption of red fruits, a trajectory that has been recognized with the Star Prize of Internet that has given him in this fair the specialized magazine FruitToday . Thus, this company has renewed within the framework of Fruit Attración its agreement to join the Food and Health Program of the Spanish Heart Foundation and has become a professional partner of the Association "5 a day" in Spain.

Manel Simon: “China is a great opportunity if you work with rigor and prudence”
The production of fresh fruit is one of the pillars for the internationalization of Catalan agri-food sector, whose autonomous region lies between the main producing areas of fresh fruit in Europe, holding fourth place in world production of pear and twentieth that of Apple. With Manel Simon, CEO of the Business Association of Fruit of Catalonia (Afrucat) we talk about issues that concern the future of the sector as the TTIP, exports to third countries or the potential of the Chinese market.