
Rodrigo Sánchez Haro: “we must make the agreement between the EU and Mercosur an opportunity for our productions”
The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development of Andalusia, Rodrigo Sánchez Haro, addresses in this interview given to ECA the main lines of action of his Department, together with the main challenges, strengths and opportunities of the Andalusian agri-food sector. Free trade agreements, such as that of the EU and Mercosur, and the Brexit challenge have been other issues analyzed.

Chen Yuming: “Without a Free Trade Agreement, Spanish products are at a disadvantage”
Chen Yuming is the Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Embassy of the R.P. China in Spain. We talked to him about trade policies between China and Spain, business opportunities, and the positioning of agri-food products in the Chinese market. A market that demands foreign products of quality, but in which they take the lead those that are endorsed by Free Trade Agreements.