
China verifies protocol agreement for export plum and peach from Murcia
Carmen Teodora Morales, General Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Ministry of Water, Agriculture and Environment (CAAMA) of Murcia, has met with a delegation of officials from the People's Republic of China who has visited the region to verify compliance of the agreement for the start of peach and plum exports to this country.

Spanish food and seafood exports are record: 43,700 million euros
The monthly report of foreign trade registered a 7.3% increase in sales to the agricultural, fishing, food and forestry abroad during the period December 2014 to November 2015. The value of imports was 33,793,000, representing an 8% annual growth. The balance stood at 9.965 million euros, an improvement of 5.2% over the previous period.