
The new European Commission begins to work
Janusz Wojciechowski, MEP veteran and current member of the European Court of Auditors, is the new Commissioner of Agriculture, while Phil Hogan assumes the Commerce portfolio.

New steps towards transparency of the food chain
On September 11 the European Commission gave its approval to adopt in the coming weeks a series of rules that improve the transparency of pricing at different stages of the food chain.

The Ministry of Agriculture registers more than 238,000 applications for aid from the CAP for the 2018 campaign
e Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development has registered 238,301 applications for aid from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the 2018 campaign, as reported by the Minister Rodrigo Sánchez Haro at a press conference in Seville, which, in addition, has presented the mobile application of the InfoPAC Board "so that the beneficiaries can be better informed about the processing of the aid".

The EU and the Member States, together with Switzerland, agree on a framework for cooperation with Bolivia worth 530 million euros
The European Commission, the member states present in Bolivia - France, Spain, the United Kingdom, Italy, Sweden and Germany - and Switzerland have agreed to "harmonize and coordinate" their interventions in the field of development cooperation in the Andean country through the adoption of of a joint strategy until 2020 for which they will allocate a total of 530 million euros.

COAG states that the cuts in the CAP proposed by the EU would mean a real loss of 17% of aid for farmers
The Coordinator of Organizations of Farmers and Cattle Ranchers (COAG) considers "unacceptable" the 5% cut in the budget of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) announced by the European Commission in the proposal of community financial perspectives for 2021-2027. If we take into account inflation throughout the budget period, we estimate a real loss of 16.6% of the aid received by farmers, as reflected in the comparative analysis prepared by the COAG Technical Services.

EU budgets for the CAP generate great controversy in the sector
The European Commission presented on Wednesday its proposal for the next budget of the European Union (EU), which covers from 2021 to 2027 and which proposes cuts in agricultural and cohesion funds - 5% and 7%. A proposal that has not sat well in the sector and has led to multiple groups such as Cooperativas Agro-Alimentarias de España, UPA, ASAJA or COAG have expressed their rejection of these cuts.

The filtration of a tree of the new PAC generates great doubts among farmers and ranchers
The Union of Small Farmers and Cattle Ranchers has shown its uncertainty about the important reforms that the European Commission is proposing in its draft new Common Agricultural Policy. Although they recognize that the debate on the future CAP "has only just begun", it does seem that Brussels intends to design a more decentralized CAP, more audited and revised and greener. "Of course it does not seem that they intend to make life easier for the recipients, but complicate things even more," they say.

Europe: Brussels proposes to ban unfair business practices in the food supply chain
The European Commission has proposed on Thursday the ban on unfair commercial practices in the most harmful food supply chain in order to ensure fairer treatment for food and agricultural SMEs. The proposal also includes effective provisions to ensure its application: national authorities may impose sanctions in cases where it is established that there has been an infringement.

AEPLA will continue with the improvement of the phytosanitary ware safety system
The Business Association for the Protection of Plants (AEPLA) held last Thursday its General Assembly, in which to improve the authorization system of plant protection, the defense of the production model based on the use of technology, communicate and raise awareness in society of the benefits of the phytosanitary products and analyze the role that the sector will play in the future of agriculture were the main topics that were addressed.

What model of exploitation should we support in the CAP?
Article of Opinion signed for ECA by the doctor and agronomist, José María García Álvarez, who reflects on the exploitation model that should be prioritized in the CAP