
AGRAGEX calls for greater commitment of the Administration with the internationalization of DEMOAGRO
The Spanish Association of Manufacturers Exporters of Agricultural Equipment (AGRAGEX), took advantage of its participation in the fair of demonstrations of machinery and agricultural equipment, DEMOAGRO 2017 to value the export figures of the sector, during a meeting with the specialized press. The statistics report produced annually by this organization shows a growth of around 3% during the past year, reaching a total of € 2,101,665,042.68. These results, according to Jaime Hernani, president of AGRAGEX, "have been obtained with hardly any public support, since during the crisis the budgets for international promotion have been reduced by 80% and have not recovered". In that sense, Hernani urges the Administration to give greater support to the internationalization of events representative of the sector, as is the case of DEMOAGRO.

The Olive Pomace Oil Interprofesional coined Oriva, a brand that claims the tradition and quality of its product
The Olive Orchard Interprofessional has recently presented, within the framework of the Expoliva 2017 fair, the new brand that represents it, ORIVA, which symbolizes all the work developed by the olive pomace oil sector, whose efforts have been aimed at promoting a product of the highest quality for the food sector, the hotel industry and consumers in general, supported by values that revolve around its healthy properties, the profitability of its use and the sustainability of its production processes.

ALAS welcomes the scientific opinion of ECHA which rules out the health risks of glyphosate
Member organizations of ALAS, Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture (ASAJA and UPA, Agro-food Cooperatives of Spain, the Spanish Federation of Associations of Producers Exporters of Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers and Living Plants (FEPEX) and the Spanish Association of Conservation / Soils (AEAC / SV)) have celebrated the scientific opinion of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) according to which "the scientific evidence available does not permit the classification of glyphosate as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction".

El Salvador: IICA collaborates with the Ministry of Agriculture to revive coffee cultivation
The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of El Salvador and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) have signed an agreement to revive coffee cultivation in this country. This agreement, signed by IICA Director General Víctor M. Villalobos and the Minister of Agriculture of Livestock and President of the National Center for Agricultural and Forestry Technology (CENTA), Orestes Ortez, will serve to strengthen and improve the sustainability and competitiveness of the coffee chain.

Globalization in the field of R & D & I in cereals
By Ignacio Solís Martel, technical director of Agrovegetal S.A.