
The EC authorizes private storage for olive oil
The commissioner has announced the imminent presentation of a proposed regulation for the opening of a measure to help private storage of olive oil, to help adjust the offer.

Socialists ask the EC actions against the US anti-dumping attack on Spanish olive
Socialist Europarlamentarians have called on the European Commission (EC) to counteract the "anti-dumping" complaint against Spanish exports of table olives in the United States.

Spain: EC approves additional quota for the withdrawal of 3,015 tonnes of fruit and vegetables
As part of the exceptional measures against the Russian veto, the European Commission has granted Spain an additional quota for the withdrawal of 3,015 tonnes of fruit and vegetables by publishing a resolution in the Official Journal of the EU (DOUE) of March 4th. This measure responds to a request from Spain, which requested the reallocation of the 18,000 tonnes that were not used by other Member States. Following the reallocation of the additional quotas, Spain remains the second beneficiary Member State of aid to producers, behind Poland.

EU: the EESC wants to reduce the administrative burden on farmers
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) welcomes the fact that the European Commission has made it a priority to simplify common agricultural policy (CAP) implementation. Increased transparency and legal certainty must go hand in hand with the reduction of red tape for farmers, other beneficiaries, producer organisations and national administrations.