The aid to the associative Integration, endowed with 1.75M €
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment has published on Saturday March 17th, in the Official State Gazette (BOE), an excerpt from the order of March 8th, 2018, which calls for aid for the promotion of the integration of agrifood associative entities of supraautonomic scope, for the year 2018. These aids are part of the set of measures included in the State Plan of Associative Integration 2015-2020, approved in the Sectoral Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development of April 16th of 2015 and will be endowed, for the year 2018, with a budget of 1,750,000 euros.
Joan Mir: “innovation is the differentiating element that makes companies excellent”
The cooperative group Anecoop has been commemorating, throughout 2016, 40 years of growth, evolution and commercial expansion, thanks to its constant commitment to innovation and the adaptation to the needs of the consumer, making quality and food safety, the respect for the environment, social economy and the promotion of healthy eating, its main distinguishing features. From this and many other issues, we spoke at ECA with its director general, Joan Mir.
Winning in size is growing in markets, an example in Castilla-La Mancha
The Government of Castilla-La Mancha promote the merger of cooperatives through the Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014-2020 and precedence to their farmers. "Cooperatives take the steps trade integration or enterprise merger, they will have more aid. Farmers who belong to this type of cooperatives, which are to be joined, will also have priority in receiving direct aid, "said Francisco Martinez Arroyo.