
The filtration of a tree of the new PAC generates great doubts among farmers and ranchers
The Union of Small Farmers and Cattle Ranchers has shown its uncertainty about the important reforms that the European Commission is proposing in its draft new Common Agricultural Policy. Although they recognize that the debate on the future CAP "has only just begun", it does seem that Brussels intends to design a more decentralized CAP, more audited and revised and greener. "Of course it does not seem that they intend to make life easier for the recipients, but complicate things even more," they say.

Phil Hogan: “I will continue to fight for our producers to have fairer access to non-EU markets”
In the following interview with ECA, Phil Hogan, European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, addresses, among other things, the most urgent issues concerning the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP); the need to seek effective remedies against unfair trade practices or to defend fairer conditions for European producers in trade association agreements with third countries in the EU.

The first Spanish debate on the CAP 2020
Elisa Plumed's opinion piece on food reform, reflecting on future reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

InfoPAC: resolved doubts on line on the Common Agricultural Policy
The Spanish Government has launched the first digital service information on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). It is an initiative to facilitate consultation and resolution of doubts in real time farmers, ranchers and technical specialists. They are available is a mobile app and a Web site associated.

EU: the EESC wants to reduce the administrative burden on farmers
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) welcomes the fact that the European Commission has made it a priority to simplify common agricultural policy (CAP) implementation. Increased transparency and legal certainty must go hand in hand with the reduction of red tape for farmers, other beneficiaries, producer organisations and national administrations.