
The cultivation of citrus fruits, protagonist of the II course of specialization of the chair of FMC at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena
The citrus sector has focused the second course of specialization of the chair of FMC in the Polytechnic University of Cartagena, recently held at its School of Agricultural Engineering. A hundred technicians and agricultural engineers from large farms and agri-food and distribution companies, many coming from Catalonia, Valencia and Andalusia, have been trained in biostimulation and other natural defense measures of application in citrus cultivation.

Tecnidex supports the largest forum of citrus experts in the Mediterranean
The company Tecnidex supports with its sponsorship the International Meeting PHYTOMA-Spain, the largest forum of citrus experts in the Mediterranean that is held in Valencia on 22 and 23 November and which will meet near 400 professionals in the sector.