
García Tejerina advances that MAPAMA will lead a Working Group on Digital Transformation in Agriculture
The Minister Isabel García Tejerina has advanced that MAPAMA will lead a Working Group on Digitization and Big Data in agriculture, in the course of its intervention in the II Forum on Digital Transformation and Big Data in Agriculture, which was held on the 8th November in Madrid and has gathered more than 400 attendees. As reported by the minister, the purpose of this initiative is to address the needs of the sector and the rural environment to meet the technical, economic, training and legislative challenges of the digital transformation.

FADEMUR reduces carbon footprint in food thanks to the Redmur program
The Federation of Rural Women's Associations (FADEMUR) has been promoting the reduction of the carbon footprint in food, through the program "Redmur: Network of entrepreneurship and socio-labor insertion for the diversification of sustainable activities in the rural environment", in Which involved artisans and entrepreneurs from Galicia, Extremadura, Castilla y León, Castilla-La Mancha, Madrid and the Valencian Community. A work that has materialized in the realization of the detailed study of carbon footprint of sugarless and ecological chestnut jam, one of the star products of the artisan company Caurelor, based in Quiroga (Lugo).
Pro Event Calendar

HOLLAND DAY: “Horticulture as a circular sector of the economy”. Almeria
On October 5th, the Dutch Embassy, through its Office of Agriculture will celebrate the Day of Holland in the Chamber of Commerce of Almeria, with the day "Horticulture as a circular sector of the economy. Following the inauguration presided by Ambassador Matthijs van Bonzel, Jessica Reis Leffers of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment will present the key points of the "Agenda for a Circular Economy in 2050", with emphasis on those that directly involve Dutch agriculture.

Expobiomasa 2017. Valladolid (Spain)
From 26th to 27th September a new edition of Expobiomasa will take place in the capital of Valladolid, an event that will bring together all the professionals related to the thriving market of biomass.