
What model of exploitation should we support in the CAP?
Article of Opinion signed for ECA by the doctor and agronomist, José María García Álvarez, who reflects on the exploitation model that should be prioritized in the CAP

Germany accounts for almost half of the contributions made to the public consultation on the CAP
Germany is the EU country most involved in the public consultation process on the CAP, which took place between 2th February and 2th May, with 47% of the almost 323,000 contributions. A fact that has been given to know about the recent trip organized by the Directorate General of Agriculture of the European Commission, with the aim of disseminating among European journalists of Member States the most important aspects of agricultural policy and the fruit and vegetable sector.

Tejerina inaugurates Expoliva urging the Spanish olive sector to continue leading in production and quality
The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, stressed that Spain must continue to be a world leader in the production and quality of olive oil, for which the joint work of the Ministry, the Board Of Andalusia and the sector is required. For this reason, García Tejerina has encouraged all sectors involved to prepare for the future is even better.

ASAJA Albacete mobilizes thousands of farmers and ranchers in defense of the rural environment, under the motto “No field, no life”
ASAJA Albacete has staged a demonstration in the capital of his province, on Thursday, April 6th, under the motto "No field, no life", demanding measures to the regional and central administration to solve the very serious situation of the agrarian sector, including, among others, the declaration of Plague of the mountain rabbit and other species of big game, with measures to eradicate these pests; a plan of irrigation that guarantees the future of the exploitations and the wealth in the region: 1,500 hm3 for 500,000 has. to 20 years; that CAP aid should be more agile, consistent with rules and, above all, basic to the viability of farms: that the aid should not be delayed.

The first Spanish debate on the CAP 2020
Elisa Plumed's opinion piece on food reform, reflecting on future reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

PAC Conference: strong funding is a priority to achieve the objectives set
One of the main conclusions of the Conference "Building the post 2020 CAP", held on 27th and 28th March by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA), is the need for the Common Agricultural Policy has a strong financial framework that allows meeting the demands of society and market challenges. A message in which the minister, Isabel García Tejerina, fully agrees, for whom, "otherwise it would be very difficult to achieve the objectives that are intended to be achieved".

Aguilera calls for a CAP wich solves the deregulation of the European agri-food sector
Socialist MEP and Vice-President of the European Parliament's Agriculture Committee, Clara Aguilera, has called for a reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to end one of the main problems of the European agri-food sector, deregulation, in the course of a day celebrated the 3th of February in the Valencian Association of Farmers (AVA-ASAJA).