
Spain: “South Almond” under precision agriculture
The cooperative leader in the production of nuts of Andalusia, Almendrera South, with 4,200 farmer members and 20,000 hectares in production spread throughout the region, implement in their field test a new technology fertigation, which aims to ensure the most effective use water and fertilizers, under the agreement between the Foundation Caja Rural del Sur and technology company 'Wise Irrisystem', based in El Ejido (Almería).
Pro Event Calendar

The International Menendez Pelayo University organizes the first Summer Course on Cultivating the Almond and Pistachio, in collaboration with the University of Zaragoza and its headquaters in Huesca. The level of the speakers and topics make this course a must for the sector of nuts.

National Conference Dried Fruit of Agri-food Cooperatives
On Thursday, June 30th, Agri-food Cooperatives of Spain celebrates in Albacete its National Conference of Dried Fruit, with the collaboration of this organization in Castilla-La Mancha. An event that responds to the growing interest of farmers for the crop in general and in particular Almond, as a result, among other things, of the continued increase in demand and the consequent rise in prices in recent years.