
Achieving greater prominence, the main challenge for women in the agri-food sector
The importance of achieving a greater share of representativeness and protagonism is evidenced as the main challenge that still has to face the woman within the agri-food sector. A collective that constitutes a fundamental pillar for the development and future of the agri-food activity, as it has been revealed in the 1st National Business Forum Agro Women Agroprofessional. For Equal Opportunities'. This event has been organized by SIETE Agromarketing and e-Commerce Agrario on June 7th with the institutional collaboration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (CAPDER) of the Regional Government of Andalusia , The Andalusian Institute for Women, as well as the Caja Rural del Sur Foundation.

Visit the website of the 1st National Forum on Agro-professional Women, organized by SIETE Agromarketing and ECA
Visit the website of the First National Agro Business Forum for 'Agroprofessional Women, for Equal Opportunities', which will take place on June 7th, at the Assembly Hall of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (CAPDER) of the Andalusian Government, in Seville. In it you can count on detailed and last minute information on everything related to this pioneering initiative, organized by SIETE Agromarketing and e-Commerce Agrarian (ECA), with the collaboration of CAPDER, the Andalusian Institute of Women and the Caja Foundation Rural del Sur, among other entities and companies representing the agro-food sector. Profiles and news related to the speakers in this forum, collaborating companies, program, contact information to register, latest news, and everything you need so you do not miss anything about this event ... You can also be informed in real time on hashtag # WomanAGRO

Agriculture will track the Equal Opportunities Plan to monitor its effectiveness
The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development of the Andalusian Government, Carmen Ortiz, has announced that her department will follow up on the first 'Equality Plan for Women and Men in Andalusia Horizon 2020', to know the impact of the measures contemplated in this document, conceived as "a living instrument with an open format of continuous revision". Ortiz explained that soon a commission will be set up to carry out this work and that in 2018 an interim report will be carried out in order to "test the results and effectiveness of the actions" implemented so far by the CAPDER.

Register without fail to the 1st National Business Forum Agro ‘Agroprofesional Women. For Equal Opportunities’
Do not miss the opportunity to join the First National Business Forum Agro 'Agroprofesional Women. For Equal Opportunities, to be held next June 7th in Seville, organized by SIETE Agromarketing and e-Comercio Agrario (ECA). Its objective is to create a space for debate where women and men can give visibility to the work developed by women. In this way, more than 200 participants, among executives, professionals, and entrepreneurs of the entire agro-food chain, will share an intense day of conversations, experiences, motivations and aspirations, with the sole purpose of promoting a space for dialogue and networking, Talks, dynamic and innovative gatherings and interviews 'tu a tu'. Women's leadership as a tool for equal opportunities and representation in the agro-food sector, entrepreneurship and innovation will be the axes around which this meeting will take place.