
An energetic cluster composed of eight fruit and vegetable cooperatives is born
Eight fruit and vegetable cooperatives will share their information for the first time in an energy cluster. It is an initiative framed within the European SCOoPE project, coordinated by Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España. This group, a pioneer in the use of real-time energy data to improve its efficiency through comparison or "benchmarking", is made up of the Valencian cooperatives Vinícola de Lliria, Coopego, Coabe (Bétera), Rural San Vicente Ferrer de Benaguasil, Agricultural San José de Alcàsser, Copal (Algemesí), Anecoop and Alzicoop (Alzira).

Globalcaja instructs agri-food companies in the new VAT system
Globalcaja is carrying out a series of days, in Albacete, Ciudad Real, Toledo and Cuenca, in order to form in the new VAT System of the Tax Agency (SII), which has entered into force as of July 1st. The beneficiaries of this initiative have been more than 200 Cooperatives, Agrarian Transformation Societies (SATs) and private agri-food companies, which use ERP (Comprehensive Management Software), facilitated and developed by Globalcaja for its integral management.

Achieving greater prominence, the main challenge for women in the agri-food sector
The importance of achieving a greater share of representativeness and protagonism is evidenced as the main challenge that still has to face the woman within the agri-food sector. A collective that constitutes a fundamental pillar for the development and future of the agri-food activity, as it has been revealed in the 1st National Business Forum Agro Women Agroprofessional. For Equal Opportunities'. This event has been organized by SIETE Agromarketing and e-Commerce Agrario on June 7th with the institutional collaboration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (CAPDER) of the Regional Government of Andalusia , The Andalusian Institute for Women, as well as the Caja Rural del Sur Foundation.

Register without fail to the 1st National Business Forum Agro ‘Agroprofesional Women. For Equal Opportunities’
Do not miss the opportunity to join the First National Business Forum Agro 'Agroprofesional Women. For Equal Opportunities, to be held next June 7th in Seville, organized by SIETE Agromarketing and e-Comercio Agrario (ECA). Its objective is to create a space for debate where women and men can give visibility to the work developed by women. In this way, more than 200 participants, among executives, professionals, and entrepreneurs of the entire agro-food chain, will share an intense day of conversations, experiences, motivations and aspirations, with the sole purpose of promoting a space for dialogue and networking, Talks, dynamic and innovative gatherings and interviews 'tu a tu'. Women's leadership as a tool for equal opportunities and representation in the agro-food sector, entrepreneurship and innovation will be the axes around which this meeting will take place.

Need, instruments and incentives of cooperative integration
Opinion article signed by the director of Agro-food Cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha, José Luis Rojas, on the need for agricultural cooperative enterprises in the region to gain in size.

Internet, the perfect tool to strengthen exports in the agri-food sector
Knowing how to use a tool as powerful as the Internet to start a strategy of internationalization in cooperatives or agri-food industries has been the main starting point of the conference on "Digital Exports" held on 23th February in Tomelloso by Agro-food cooperatives Castilla- La Mancha, with the collaboration of Banco Santander.

Rabbit farms in Spain are halved
Professional agricultural organizations, Agro-food Cooperatives, the Sectorial Association of Rabbit, CUNIBER, the Association of Slaughterhouses, MADECUN and the three largest slaughterhouses in Spain have sounded the alarm about the serious economic situation and consumption by facing the rabbit sector, with a significant reduction in rabbit farms whose real figure would be about half of the data offered by the REGA.

Angel Villafranca, new president of Cooperatives Agro-alimentary of Spain
Agro-food Cooperatives of Spain in Madrid today held its General Assembly, which has been reelected president Angel Villafranca, president turn Agro-Food Cooperatives of Castilla La Mancha.

Spain forecast grain harvest 23.4 million tons
Agro-food Cooperatives of Spain has made an initial appraisal of the grain harvest of 23.4 million tons with an expected yield 3.91 t / ha, once analyzed the situation in the field and yields

Spain: Cooperatives calls for improvements in the management tools of EU crisis
The European Commission took the first step for the adoption of a regulation to regulate the exceptional measures for fruit and vegetables from June 30 and for one year. These measures, which will give continuity to those in force today, respond to repeated requests from, oblivious to geopolitical tensions between the EU and Russia, but main victim, and the administrations of the major producing countries European fruit and vegetable sector.