
EU budgets for the CAP generate great controversy in the sector
The European Commission presented on Wednesday its proposal for the next budget of the European Union (EU), which covers from 2021 to 2027 and which proposes cuts in agricultural and cohesion funds - 5% and 7%. A proposal that has not sat well in the sector and has led to multiple groups such as Cooperativas Agro-Alimentarias de España, UPA, ASAJA or COAG have expressed their rejection of these cuts.

The cooperatives estimate an oil production of 1,100,000tn
At its annual meeting of the Sectoral Council of Olive Oil, held on October 31th in Jaén, Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España has made an estimate of olive oil harvest, which will be over 1,096,900 tons, which means a decrease of 14.7% with respect to last season.

The Interprofessional of Wine will strengthen its collaboration with the Regulatory Councils
The Interprofessional of Wine of Spain has recently celebrated its Ordinary General Assembly, preceded by a Board of Directors, in which it has been agreed to continue working with the Spanish Conference of Wine Regulatory Councils (CECRV) for the signing of an agreement between both that allows the Creation of a Joint Committee in which the representatives of the Regulatory Councils participate and their incorporation in the Marketing Commission, in charge of the promotion actions.