
UPA and COAG highlight 2016 as year of high production but low agricultural prices
In its usual year-end balance sheet, the agricultural organizations COAG and UPA have agreed to value 2016 as a year that has been characterized by a significant increase in production (which has grown in value to € 46.487 billion), as opposed to agricultural prices, which have been experiencing a general fall that COAG estimates at 4% and which, according to UPA, is the main cause, together with the inaction and lack of support from the political institutions, the coming economic choke suffering from food producers in Spain.

Launch of information campaign on good labor practices in agriculture
The agricultural organization COAG has developed an information package on the Spanish legislative developments related to the recruitment and risk prevention, and a video that summarizes the most important aspects of the contractual relationship between employer and employee. This initiative has the support of the Department of Immigration of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security and the European Social Fund.